

2015. augusztus 3., hétfő

A honap zeneje es filmje...Music and movie of the month...

Amikor celiranyosan elkezdtem szamba es pagodezenet hallgatni, hogy kozelebb keruljek a brazil kulturahoz, Zeca Pagodinho egyike volt azon enekeseknek, akiknek a zeneje egybol megfogott es hallgatom azota is renduletlenul.
Sot! Augusztusban Santosban fog koncertezni, amire mi is megyunk es amit mar alig varok!:-)

Zeca Pagodinho: Acustico MTV Zeca Pagodinho



Se eu fosse voce


A film egy vigjatek, a cime kabe Ha en te lennek. Egy hazaspar viszontagsagairol szol, akik egy nap arra ebrednek, hogy testet csereltek, es amig vissza nem kapjak regi enjuket, addig a nonek ferfikent, a ferfinek pedig nokent kell helytallni otthon is es egymas munkahelyen.  

Nagyon vicces vigjatek, es en a szineszeket, Tony Ramost es Gloria Pirest kulon-kulon is nagyon szeretem Gloria Pirest eloszor 12-13 evesen, egy otthon futott szappanoperaban, a Homok titkaiban lattam. (Sokszor eszembe jut amugy, hogy milyen erdekes az elet, ha valaki akkor mutatott volna egy varazsgombot, hogy te is ott fogsz egyszer lakni ahonnan ez a szineszno jott, hat biztos neztem volna egy nagyot:-)
A Homok titkai amugy a masodik (a Rabszolgasors utan) es utolso latin-amerikai szappanopera amit vegigneztem, igy a szereplokre es a tortenetre jol emlekszem. 


Few years ago, in order to know more about Brazilian culture, I started to listen samba and pagode music by intention. The music of Zeca Pagodinho was the case of "love at first hear" and I have been listening his music a lot since then.  
And I am so lucky to have the opportunity to listen him live since he is on tour with his new album, and will be in Santos in August, yupppiii!

Zeca Pagodinho: Acustico MTV Zeca Pagodinho



Se eu fosse voce


It`s a comedy in which the story follows the story of Claudio (Tony Ramos) and his wife Helena (Gloria Pires). Accustomed to the day-by-day marriage routine, they occasionally argue. One day they have a bigger fight than normal which causes something inexplicable to happen: they switch bodies. From this point they try to appear normal until they can reverse the situation. But it`s not easy to do, as they have to fully assume each other`s life. 

I personally love both of the actors. I saw Gloria Pires in a soap opera first time when I was about 13 years old. The "Mulheres de Areia" was aired at that time and it was the second Brazilian soap opera after "Escrava Isaura" Hungary broadcast. 

Zeca Pagodinho

Se Eu Fosse Voce

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