

2015. augusztus 7., péntek

Panelaco, avagy erkelyes tuntetes...Panelaco, the balcony protest...

A "Panelaco", vagyis erkelyes tuntetes egy 2015-ben inditott tuntetessorozat resze, amikor az emberek a jelenlegi kormany ellen valo tiltakozas kifejezesekent az erkelyeken labasokon dobolnak, futyulnek, villanyt kapcsolgatnak es kiabalva kovetelik Dilma Roussef elnok es kormanyanak lemondasat.
A tuntetessorozat celja, hogy a Dilma vezette munkaspartot (PT) vonjak felelossegre az allami korrupcio, a megelhetesi koltsegek es az energiaarak emelkedese miatt. Mindezek a tavaly kirobbant Petrobras botrany es Dilma januari ujravalasztasahoz kapcsolodnak, mert annak ellenere, hogy az elnok igeretet tett arra, hogy minden eszkozzel fellep a korrupcio ellen, az elegedetlenseg egyre csak no az orszagban. 
A Panelaco-ra valo felhivas legtobbszor a kozossegi halon terjed es az elso ilyenfajta demonstracio Dilma marciusi, a nemzetkozi nonap alkalmabol mondott beszedet kovetoen robbant ki. Ezt kovettek az utcai megmozdulasok (Vem Pra Rua - Gyertek ki az utcara!) amit aprilisban es majusban ujabb panelacok kovettek.  

Tegnap en is tanuja voltam egy ilyen mini-megmozdulasnak, es este 9 ora korul arra lettem figyelmes, hogy az emberek az erkelyeken dobolnak, kiabalnak es - jobb szo nincs ra - szidjak Dilmat, a kormanyaval egyutt. (Vai Dilma, Fora Dilma - kb Tunjel el, takarodj Dilma). Eloszor nem tudtam elkepzelni, hogy mi folyik itt, aztan Eclezio elmagyarazta, majd en is utanaolvastam a dolognak. Hat, kabe mintha focimeccsen lettem volna, kiveve a Dilma ellen felhangzo szitkozodast. Az egesz nem tartott 15 percnel tovabb es ha jol tudom tovabbi erkelyes tuntetesekre lehet majd szamitani, igy lesz meg par ilyen hangzavar a tombok kozott.

Az egesz kabe ugy hangzik, mint az alabbi YouTube videon:



"Panelaco", or balcony protest is a part of a series of demonstrations against the government of the re-elected president Dilma Roussef (Worker`s Party, PT) when people shout from their balconies and bang pots and pans.
The Worker`s Party (PT) is the ruling party in Brazil since 2002 however in 2005 a mass corruption scandal erupted regarding the misuse of public funds to buy the support of the parliament. 
In 2014 an even bigger corruption scandal came to the surface, this time involving the state-owned oil extraction company, Petrobras. It was about the moving of billions of dollars from the company to political parties, including Worker`s Party. 
Despite everything, Dilma was re-elected in 2014 and in less than a month after the elections right-wing protestors started demonstrations against her, calling for the start of Impeachment procedure.

The first Panelaco was scheduled in March, after Dilma`s presidential speech celebrating the International`s Women`s Day when she tried to calm down the population by saying that the crisis was temporary. After a call from social networks, thousands of people, from their homes, banged cooking pots, blew horns, flickered the lights and shouted insults against the president (Vai Dilma!, Fora Dilma! - Boo Dilma!, Get out, Dilma!) 
The first Panelaco was followed by other ones in April and May and a third wave of nation-wide protests is announced to take place on the 16 August.

Yesterday I also witnessed a short Panelaco in our blocks. Around 9pm I noticed that people were on their balconies banging pots and flickering lights. First, I couldn`t imagine what they were doing but then Eclezio explained it. Well, it sounded as if Brazil won something important champion league, except the shouting against Dilma. The whole event didn`t take longer than 15min, then everybody returned back to their flat.

Just to have some idea how it sounded, see attached video from YouTube:


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