A hetvegen ket napra Cosmopolisba utaztunk, rokonlatogatasra. Cosmopolis Sao Paulo allamban van, 217 km-re eszakra Santostol. Ha nincs nagy forgalom, akkor korulbelul 3 ora alatt oda lehet erni, de persze nekunk nem volt ilyen nagy szerencsenk, es mind az oda-, mind pedig a visszautat 5 ora alatt tettuk meg. Pentek este indultunk, es rogton az Imigrantes elejen beragadtunk egy massziv dugoba, ahol majd` egy orat poroszkaltunk, lepesben a kocsisorban Sao Paulo fele ami csak akkor gyorsult fel megint miutan ratertunk a Rodoanel-re. Megfigyeltem, hogy a 217 km alatt osszesen ket benzinkut volt az ut szelen, ezert ha az ember nem figyel es nem teli tankkal indul neki egy-egy utnak es bennragad egy dugoban, konnyen megjarhatja. Ugyanez vonatkozik a WC hasznalatra is.
Este 11 korul erkeztunk meg es szinte azonnal mentunk is aludni mert masnapra egy vizipark volt betervezve es nem akartunk reggel faradtan indulni.
A vizipark egy maganpark Cosmopolistol nem messze es a csuzdakon kivul van gyerekmedence, felnott medence, mini vidampark dodzsemmel es egy lengo hajoval, valamint egy horgaszto is. Egyaltalan nem volt tomeg mikor odaertunk, igy nem kellett sorban allni semmiert sem es mivel a belepo ara magaban foglalta az osszes csuzdat es jatekot, igy csak a dodzsemeken korulbelul 2-3 orat toltottunk. Nagyon jo volt, a gyerekekkel egyutt kilencen versenyeztunk es persze mindenki azon volt, hogy minel jobban belemenjen a masikba, igy a terdem egesz jol nezett ki a nap vegere a sok karambol miatt. Caio hol velem, hol Eclezio mellett ult, mi nyomtuk a pedalt, o pedig kormanyozott.
A lengo hajora csak a fiuk ultek fel, en meg regen kiprobaltam es koszonom eleg is volt belole. (Ebed utan a legizgalmasabb amugy...)
Annak ellenere, hogy jo ido volt, a medencek vize eleg hideg volt, igy ha az ember nem akart vacogni, akkor vagy uszott rendesen, vagy a napon toltotte az idot. Egeszen estig voltuk ott, otthon pedig vacsora utan mindenki kidolt.
Masnap ellatogattunk egy tanyara, ahol Dinho sogaranak a baratnojenek (huhu, de bonyolult) a rokonai elnek es magangazdalkodnak. A tanya (vagy farm) Cosmopolis kulteruleten van, egeszen kozel a varoshoz, igy nincs az a "semmi kozepen" feelingje az embernek, de egeszen nagy teruleten fekszik, es a szantofoldon kivul lovakat, teheneket, baromfikat nevelnek, korulbelul 60 hektaron es ha jol ertettem van egy fafeldolgozo uzemuk is. Egy idos hazaspar a tulajdonos es koruk ellenere (a neni 79 eves) rengeteg fizikai munkat vegeznek, a neni az allatoktol kezdve a funyirason keresztul az egesz farm rendbetartasat vegzi, mindennap hajnalban kel es estig kint van a farmon. Azert en szivesen megneztem volna ahogy vezeti a traktort. :-)
Dinho anyosanak, Zuleikanak aznap volt a szuletesnapja es Simone meglepetestortat sutott neki, amit a farmon, a teraszon adtunk at neki. Sajnos eleg keson erkeztunk a farmra, igy nem maradtunk ott sokaig, mert nem akartunk nagyon keson hazaerni, igy is megvolt az 5 ora, mire vegre a kocsival bekanyarodtunk az utcankba.
A legkozelebbi kirandulas Holambra-ba lesz, az evente megrendezesre kerulo Expoflora viragkiallitasra megyunk augusztus vegen.
We spent the weekend with family in Cosmopolis which is about 217km far from Santos. In normal circumstances (meaning: without traffic jam) the one can get there in 3 hours driving but we were not such lucky this time so it took us 5 hours to arrive.
On the way there I noticed that there were only two petrol stations next to the motorway so it is worth to remember that you always have to leave with full tank not to get in trouble and the same attention applies for toilet issues too.
We arrived at 11pm on Friday evening and went straight to bed to avoid tiredness on the next day as we were planning to go to a Water Park which was near Cosmopolis.
The water park was on a farm and it was a private one, operated by people who actually were living there (we saw chickens and other domestic animals in their garden) and included not only slides but had a mini fun park for kids and adults. We spent most of our time riding dodgems and using the slides.
The park was not busy when we were there so we didn`t need to queue at all and it made the entrance fee really worthy.
I enjoyed riding the dodgems the most - it was great! We raced along with the children and of course, everyone was about to go into the others as much as possible. Well, my knee looks now like a rainbow in different colours because of the many crashes.
Only the boys tried the swinging boat; I tried it few years ago and it was enough; I don`t like to feel my body leaving the seat even if I know I cannot fall. Not for me, thanks.
Despite of the very good, warm weather, the water in the swimming pools was pretty cold so if we didn't want to freeze, we had to keep swimming or just enjoy sunbathing at the pool. We left the place after sunset; by that time we arrived home everybody was enough tired to go to sleep straight after dinner except the two girls, Mel and Vanessa. They were awake until 5am next morning watching some videos on YouTube and chatting.
The next day we went to visit a farm near Cosmopolis. The owner of the farm is an old couple (the lady is 79 years old) and although they live there with their family she keeps everything in her hand. She gets up at sunrise everyday and looks after the farm until sunset. (I would have liked to see her driving a tractor!). If I understood well, they own a woodworking plant too.
It was Zuleika`s (Dinho`s mother in law) birthday and from this occasion Simone made a surprise birthday cake for her that she gave to her there. Unfortunately we were running a bit late so we didn't spend much time there and left around 5pm.
Our next trip will be to Holambra at the end of August to see the annual flower festival (Expoflora).
We spent the weekend with family in Cosmopolis which is about 217km far from Santos. In normal circumstances (meaning: without traffic jam) the one can get there in 3 hours driving but we were not such lucky this time so it took us 5 hours to arrive.
On the way there I noticed that there were only two petrol stations next to the motorway so it is worth to remember that you always have to leave with full tank not to get in trouble and the same attention applies for toilet issues too.
We arrived at 11pm on Friday evening and went straight to bed to avoid tiredness on the next day as we were planning to go to a Water Park which was near Cosmopolis.
The water park was on a farm and it was a private one, operated by people who actually were living there (we saw chickens and other domestic animals in their garden) and included not only slides but had a mini fun park for kids and adults. We spent most of our time riding dodgems and using the slides.
The park was not busy when we were there so we didn`t need to queue at all and it made the entrance fee really worthy.
I enjoyed riding the dodgems the most - it was great! We raced along with the children and of course, everyone was about to go into the others as much as possible. Well, my knee looks now like a rainbow in different colours because of the many crashes.
Only the boys tried the swinging boat; I tried it few years ago and it was enough; I don`t like to feel my body leaving the seat even if I know I cannot fall. Not for me, thanks.
Despite of the very good, warm weather, the water in the swimming pools was pretty cold so if we didn't want to freeze, we had to keep swimming or just enjoy sunbathing at the pool. We left the place after sunset; by that time we arrived home everybody was enough tired to go to sleep straight after dinner except the two girls, Mel and Vanessa. They were awake until 5am next morning watching some videos on YouTube and chatting.
The next day we went to visit a farm near Cosmopolis. The owner of the farm is an old couple (the lady is 79 years old) and although they live there with their family she keeps everything in her hand. She gets up at sunrise everyday and looks after the farm until sunset. (I would have liked to see her driving a tractor!). If I understood well, they own a woodworking plant too.
It was Zuleika`s (Dinho`s mother in law) birthday and from this occasion Simone made a surprise birthday cake for her that she gave to her there. Unfortunately we were running a bit late so we didn't spend much time there and left around 5pm.
Our next trip will be to Holambra at the end of August to see the annual flower festival (Expoflora).
Green Camp vizi- es vidampark / Green Camp fun park
csak a mi csaladunk dodzsemezik / only our family is driving dodgems
horgaszto / a lake for fishing
csuzdak / slides
a Megvalto Krisztus mindenhol / a statue of Jesus Christ can be found everywhere
lengo-hajo / a swinging boat
a tanya / a farm near Cosmopolis
jaca (kenyerfa) fasor / an alley of jaca (jackfruit)
Zuleika meglepetes tortaja / Zuleika`s bday surprise cake
Zuleika and Simone
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