

2015. március 28., szombat

Turistakent Santosban...Tourist attractions - Obras do Teleferico

Kicsit csalok, mert a libego inkabb Sao Vincente-hez tartozik mint Santoshoz. A libegot, ami az Itarare partszakaszt koti ossze a Votorua heggyel, 2002-ben alapitottak. 780 meter hosszan szallitja az utasokat 3,8 km/oras sebesseggel. A dombrol gyonyoru kilatas nyilik a tengerre es az azt ovezo partszakaszra, alattad terul el egesz Sao Vicente es Santos egy resze.
A sikloernyosok is eloszeretettel hasznaljak a dombtetot kiindulohelynek - amikor ott jartunk, eppen egy sikloernyos futott neki a hegyrol, bar majdnem nekiutkozott a sziklafalnak, mert nem vett eleg nagy lenduletet...


I am a bit cheating because The Obras de Teleferico, or cable car is in the area of Sao Vincente rather than Santos. It connects the Itarare coast with a mountain called Votorua. It was established in 2002; the lengths of the cable is 780 metres and transport passengers at a speed of 3,8km/hrs.
The is a spectacular view from the mountain - the whole coast of Sao Vicente can be seen and some part of Santos beach. 
The top of the mountain is a popular departure for gliders, when we were there one guy just run off the hill but almost crashed to the cliffs as he didn`t reach the appropriate speed.


Turistakent Santosban...Tourist attractions - Orquidário Municipal de Santos

Az Orquidario Santos (teljes neven Parque Zoobotanico Orquidario Municipal de Santos) egy botanikus kert Santos, Jose Menino nevu varosreszeben amely egy parkka alakitott mini allatkertet es novenyhazat igyekszik kombinalni a buja, tropusi erdei kornyezettel. Kivalo setakat lehet ott tenni, ha az ember kicsit unja mar a varost es a tengerpartra sem vagyik eppen (peldaul mert a homero higanyszala megint a 40. fokot dongeti).
Maga a parkban setalas tenye kicsit visszaroppent gondolatban Angliaba, de aztan ennyi is, mert itt aztan se huvos ido nincsen, se tolgyfak, se mokusok se varjak...Vannak viszont kisallatok, mint peldaul kapivarak, amelyek szabadon maszkalnak a parkban, van egy vidrapark, teknosok es lattunk egy kajmant is. 
Mivel tropusi novenyparkrol van szo, az itteni novenyek szamos tropusi madarfajt vonzanak igy a parkban lathatok tukanok, arapapagajok, pavak es hejak is. 
A novenyhaz tovabba 5000 fele orchidea-gyujtemenynek ad helyet.

A novenykertet hivatalosan 1945-ben avattak fel, hogy bemutassak Julius Concepcion orchideagyujtemenyet. Julius a mult szazad elejen elt Santos Boqueirao keruleteben es majd` 90 ezer orchideat tartott es gondozott amelyeket fakon, vagy pergolakon futtatott fel. A park nyitasakor a park facsemeteket kapott az onkormanyzattol, hogy az orchideakat azokon tudjak felfuttatni, kesobb pedig a mas botanikusok altal, a vilag minden tajarol hozott viragokkal bovult a gyujtemeny.

A parkot egyebkent 1932-ben, Julius Concepcion halala utan nyitottak meg a nyilvanossag szamara, es ez volt az elso turista latvanyossag Santosban.
Ekkoriban a novenykert meg a Concepcion birtokon belul helyezkedett el, amelyet Julius Concepcion halala utan egy jelkepes osszegert Santos varos onkormanyzata vasarolt meg ezzel letrehozva az Orquidario Municipal de Santos-t.

(Forras: http://www.thetourexpert.eu/santos-sao-paulo/santos-municipal-orchidarium-brazil/)


Parque Zoobotanico Orquidario Municipal de Santos (or as it is called Orquidario Santos) is a zoo-botanical park and orchid garden in Jose Menino district of Santos. 
Altough the distance between the park and the beach is just 300m, right away you enter the garden, you feel relaxed out of the noisy streets and can take long walks among tropical plants and small animals. 

Thinking about parks, I feel a bit back to UK when I am there, but just for minute as here of course the temperature of the air is high and humid, no pine trees and squarrels or crows.
There are though tropical animals like capivaras, otters, turtles or cajman and exotic birds such as tucans, parrots or peacocks.  

The garden inaugurated in 1945, to show the orchids of Julius Concepcion, a lover of flowers who lived at the beginning of the last century in a mansion in the neighbourhood of Boqueirao, where he grew about 90 thousand orchids on trees and lath slats.

After the opening the park received trees to support the flowers and later, botanists introduced species from around the world to the park, forming a natural forest. 

The park first opened to the public after Julius Concepcion`s death, and in 1932, and it became the first public attraction in Santos. The Concepcion estate subdivided the land, which made up the largest outdoor orchidarium in the world at the time. The estate sold its biological heritage to the city for a symbolic amount to form the Santos Municipal Orchidarium. The state of São Paulo donated the area where the park is today to the city in 1914.

(Source: http://www.thetourexpert.eu/santos-sao-paulo/santos-municipal-orchidarium-brazil/)

A novenykert 1945-ben / The botanic garden in 1945

Orquidario Santos

2015. március 24., kedd

1 honap mulva indulunk!...1 month to go!

1 honap es indulas!! Nagyon varom mar, a heten rendeltem meg a ket nagy bohom borondot amibe majd minden fontos vagy fontosnak tuno dolgot beleszuszakolok. Kihasznalva, hogy Caio majdnem mint teljes aru utas foglal helyet a repulon, osszesen 2 borondot es egy behemot sport taskat viszek amibe remelhetoleg belefer majd minden ami kell.

Caio ugy tunik meg kihasznalja a lehetoseget egy kis betegsegre itt, a heten bekapott egy virust es mar napok ota lazas. Ez az a tipikus 2 hetes cucc, igy valoszinu, hogy a tavaszi szunet elott mar nem is megy vissza az iskolaba.
Meg igy betegen sem konnyu ot lekotni egesz nap, foleg ugy, hogy a jatekai nagy resze mar regen utban van egy hajon Santos fele, az esteket viszont alig varja, mikor Skype-olhat vagy Eclezioval, vagy az unokatesojaval, Lydhia-val. Amikor Eclezio van soron, akkor altalaban kozosen, Eclezio, Caio es Mateus (masik unokateso) racsatlakoznak online a Minecraft-ra es egyutt jatszanak, ez neha par oras programot jelent, mire bebarangoljak az aznapi Minecraft World-ot.

En meg pontosan 3 hetig zotykolodom a vonaton Weybridge-be, es utom a billentyuket napkozben (peldaul munkaidomet es az iroda monoton zsivajat kihasznalva irom a blogom – erre otthon alig van idom, foleg, hogy Caio is folyton ott nyuzsog). Az utolso napom aprilis 17-e, aznap egy kozos ebeddel bucsuzunk en, es egy masik kolleganom. Sokan elmennek a cegtol juniusig bezarolag, foleg a koltozes miatt van akinek a megnovekedett tavolsag nem jon be, masreszt nehany kolleganak megszunik a pozicioja is.

Az itteni felhos napokat es ahhoz kapcsolodo nyomott hangulatot eluzendo utazos blogokat olvasgatok, most eppen az alabbiakat:

Eclezio tovabbra is rajta van a munkakeresesen es interjukra jar, most eppen valaszra var az egyik cegtol, remelem ez nem olyan 1-2 honapos varakozast jelent megint mint oly sokmindenre Braziliaban.
Addig is vallalta, hogy angolt tanit baratoknak, ismerosoknek, illetve egy nyelviskola is erdeklodott, hogy tudna-e naluk orat adni. (ez irant amugy en is erdeklodom, marmint a nyelvsuliban valo tanitas irant, mert persze, persze, pengen fogok am portugalul beszelni egy ido utan, csak megis jo lenne a tudat, hogy az angolommal is esetleg hasznossa tudnam magam tenni legalabb a kezdet kezdeten).

Eclezionak eppen tegnap volt a szulinapja es egesz nap se kep se hang senkitol, majd este 8 korul csengettek es ott allt a batyja es annak csaladja egy tortaval, nagyon orult nekik. Csokitortat sutott Simone, kar, hogy Caio nem volt ott, biztosan o ette volna meg a felet J

Ma pedig 7. hazassagi evfordulonk van, huuuuuu J


One month to go! I cannot wait, really, I would like to get rid of all of the furniture already out of the flat, fill in the suitcases with our stuff and just head to the airport. I recently ordered two huge suitcases and taking the opportunity that Caio and I are allowed to take 4 luggages, 32kgs each, I will use those two “hugie” and one more large sport bag for our very important and less important but nice-to-have things.

It seems Caio grabbed the last chance to be sick in UK – he has been having fever in the last couple of days; he got that type of virus when recovery takes for at least a week or so, so it’s unlikely that he will be back to school before half term.
It is not easy to entertain him mainly that he cannot go out and most of his toys are on their way to Brazil. They are now somewhere on the Pacific on a ship as our shipment is scheduled to arrive at the end of April in Santos.
Since day time at home is a bit boring for him now, he looks forward the evenings when he can chat with his cousin Lydhia or with Eclezio on Skype. When Eclezio has time, he, Mateus (Caio`s other cousin) and Caio play together online with Minecraft. It takes sometimes 1-2 hours to discover the actual Minecraft World so they have fun for long time.

Three weeks left at my workplace and only for 10 times I have to get the 6am train from Waterloo. I am counting the weeks, the days and the hours already. My last day is on 17th April and a lunch is organized for me and another colleague who leaves on the same day. Many people leave the company by June end, it is due to the distance from/to Weybridge, or reorganizational change or some of them just take this opportunity to find new challenges or open a new chapter in their career.

Eclezio still continuous his job searching. He is over of some interviews and expecting a feedback from one of the companies – hope, it won`t take for them to give an answer for 1-2 months!! Meanwhile he agreed with some of his friends that he would teach them English and he is in discussion with a language school to participate as a teacher. Actually, I am interested as well regarding teaching in a language school as although I am aware of that my Portuguese will be just perfect soon (haha) but at the beginning I would feel a bit more comfortable if I could use a language I actually speak in…LOL

Yesterday was Eclezio`s birthday and no one mentioned a word about it to him all day then at 8pm his brother popped in with his whole family bringing a home-made chocolate cake with cherries on the top and number candles. It`s a pity that Caio was not there; he must have eaten the half of the cake.

And today, tadammm, is our 7th years wedding anniversary. Woow.

(Lydhia and Caio)


Minecraft vilag / Minecraft World

Az en vilagom az irodaban / My world in the office

 Egy kis kod az autopalyan Santos es Sao Paulo kozott / A little bit of fog between Santos and SP

Dugo, meg jo, hogy motorral ment / Traffic jam - this time riding a motorcycle is an advantage

Szulinap! / Bday!!
(Balrol: Fatima, az anyosom, Eclezio, Simone a sogornom es Mel az egyik uncsiteso)
(From left: Fatima, my mother-in-law, Eclezio, Simone, my sister-in-law, Mel, Caio`s cousin)

2015. március 16., hétfő

Marcius 15...15th March

Ismet tuntettek a brazilok, ezuttal az allami olajceg, a Petrobras korrupcios botranyaba belekeveredett, nemreg ujravalasztott Dilma Rousseff elnok ellen ment a tobb tizezres menet Brazilia nagyvarosaiban.

A Petrobras botranyrol itt vannak ujsagcikkek:

Marcius 15-en nem csak tuntetes volt, ekkor rendeztek meg a A Colour Run futoversenyt is. A rendezveny 2012 januarjaban indult vilaghodito utjara. "A Bolygo legvidamabb 5 km-re" szlogen alatt hozza ossze az embereket, az egeszseget, a vidamsagot szimbolizalja. A szines futas - egy teljesen uj stilusa az efajta rendezvenyeknek, es az Egyesult Allamok utan vilagszerte rohamosan no a nepszerusege. 

(A kepek Santosbol, a Facebook-rol - Eu sou de Santos)


Protests in Brazil again, on 15 March over one million demonstrators marched in cities and towns across Brazil to protest a sluggish economy, rising prices and corruption - and to call for the impeachment of leftists President Dilma Rousseff. 

Not only protests were on the streets, The Colour Run also took place on this day. Colour Run also known as as the Happiest 5km on the Planet is a unique paint race that celebrates healthiness, happiness and individuality. Now the single largest event series in the world. 

(Pictures of the demonstration and run race in Santos, from Facebook - Eu sou de Santos)

tuntetok Santos utcain / protests on the streets of Santos 

The Colour Run

2015. március 13., péntek

Santos regi varosresze...Old Santos city

Santos Brazilia egyik legregebbi varosa es jelenleg a legfontosabb kikotovarosa. Amikor a portugalok partra szalltak 1500-ban, Santos mai teruletet a Tupinikin indian torzs lakta. Azonban 1532 tajan, az elso telepulesek (tobbek kozott Sao Vicente) letrejottekor, a terulet folyamatosan a Tamoio-k tamadasa alatt allt,  akik a franciak szovetsegesei voltak. A franciakat 1560-ban Rional levertek, a Tamoio-kat pedig nemsokkal utana lemeszaroltak.

1580-ra Santos viragzo kikotovaroskava nott, mintegy 400 lakohazzal. Legelso export cikke a cukor a volt, amit a hegyek labanal es a fennsikon nott cukornadbol nyertek. A 19. szazad vegere ezt felvaltotta a kave amely gyorsan Brazilia fo beveteli forrasava valt. A kavekereskedelem Sao Pauloval valo osszekotesenek es az ipari magnas Visconde de Maua altal letrehozott,  a Santos-t Sao Pauloval osszekoto vasutvonalnak koszonhetoen Santos gazdag kikotovarossa notte ki magat.
A tengerparton pazar kavekuriak sorakoztak, a kozpont pedig Brazilia legfontosabb tozsdejenek, a Bolsa do Cafe-nak adott helyet.

Santos egy szigeten terul el es az obol fole tornyosulo hegyek veszik korul. A gyarmatosito idokben feherrre meszelt hazaival, templomaival es tiszta, feher homokos tengerpartjaval Brazilia egy legelbuvolobb varosa lehetett. 

Sajnos a 20, szazadban kitort sargalaz, es a kozelben fekvo Cubatao varos altal okozott ipari szennyezes hanyatlasra itelte Santost es a varos sokat veszitett varazsabol.
Az 1980-as evekben a tenger es a hegyek kozott fekvo hatorszag lett Del-Amerika egy legkellemetlenebb ipari zonaja. Cubatao petrokemiai uzemeit a sajtoban csak "Halalvolgynek" emlegettek es a fold legszennyezettebb sarkava kialtottak ki mivel az a veszely fenyegetett, hogy a dombokban felhalmozott mergezo hulladekok belecsusznak a tengerbe.
Egy foldcsuszamlas, majd a szuletesi rendellenessegekkel szuletett gyerekek szamanak novekedese vegul elinditott egy tisztitasi hullamot Cubatao-ban ami mara egy sikeres projektnek mondhato. 

A mai Santos kezdi visszanyerni regi arcat. A gyarmati idokbol megmaradt varoskozpontban ma villamos viszi korbe a turistakat hogy megmutassa nekik a varos nevezetessegeit, a gyarmati idokbol fennmaradt templomokat, a Bolsa de Cafe-t - ez utobbi egy remek kis muzeum lett, ahol Brazilia legfinomabb eszpresszojat szolgaljak fel. Santos ad otthont a Santos FC altal uzemeltetett Pele muzeumnak is, ezzel tisztelegve a futball legendanak, es a varosnak, ahol szuletett es jatszott. (Egyebkent Neymar is a Santos FC-nel kezdte palyafutasat 2003-ban).      


Santos is one of Brazil's oldest cities and has long been its most important port. When the Portuguese arrived, the Tupinikin people dominated the region. However, the first settlements at neighbouring São Vicente (1532) were constantly under attack by the Tamoio who were allies of the French. The French were defeated at Rio in 1560 and the Tamoio massacred soon after.

By the 1580s Santos was a burgeoning port with some 400 houses. The first export was sugar, grown as cane at the foot of the mountains and on the plateau. By the late 19th century this had been replaced by coffee, which rapidly became Brazil's main source of income. The city was connected to São Paulo and the coffee region by the British under the guidance of Barão Visconde de Mauá, and the city grew wealthy.
The seafront was lined with opulent coffee mansions and the centre was home to Brazil's most important stock exchange, the Bolsa do Café.

Santos stands on an island in a bay surrounded by towering mountains and extensive areas of lowland mangrove forest - a setting equally as beautiful as that of Salvador or Rio. When it was dominated by colonial houses, churches and clean white-sand beaches Santos itself must have been one of Brazil's most enchanting cities.

But in the 20th century an evil reputation for yellow fever and industrial pollution from nearby Cubatão left the city to decay and it lost much of its architecture along with its charm. In the 1980s, the hinterland between the sea and mountains became the site of one of South America's most unpleasant industrial zones. The petrochemical plants of Cubatão were so notorious that they were referred to in the press as the 'The Valley of Death'. Santos and around was said to be the most contaminated corner of the planet, with so much toxic waste undermining the hills that the whole lot threatened to slip down into the sea. In the late 1980s, a spate of mutant births in Cubatão eventually prompted a clean-up operation, which is said to have been largely successful.

Contemporary Santos is getting its act together. The old colonial centre has been tidied up and Scottish trams ferry tourists past the city's sights. These include a series of colonial churches and the Bolsa do Café - a superb little museum whose café-restaurant serves the most delicious espresso in Brazil. Santos is also Pelé's home and the city he played for almost all his career. Santos FC has a museum devoted to the club and to Pelé and it is easy to attend a game. (By the way Neymar started his career at Santos FC too in 2003).

(Source: http://www.footprinttravelguides.com/latin-america/brazil/sao-paulo/the-coast-of-sao-paulo/santos-and-sao-vicente)

Bolsa de Cafe

Santuário Santo Antônio do Valongo

Santos old city

Pele museum

Estação do Valongo