

2015. július 21., kedd

Eperfesztival...Strawberry Festival...(Festa do Morango)

Julius 2.-an kezdodott Sao Vicente-ben a Festa do Morango vagyis Eperfesztival, amikor is az eperszezon veget unneplik. A felallitott satrakban a standokon mindenfele eperbol keszult termekeket arulnak, vannak peldaul edessegek, likorok, forralt bor, pitek, habcsokok illetve az eper maga bedobozolva, egyet fizet kettot kap, akciosan.
Nahat en sem tagadtam meg onmagam, nehany epres suti utan valasztottam egy uveg hazi keszitesu arany tequilat is... Alig latok itt tequilat a boltokban, igy felcsillant a szemem a kirakott uveg lattan, kicsit borsos volt ugyan az ara, dehat nem egy este alatt fog elfogyni (remelem!, haha)

A fesztival kicsit hasonlit a mi szureti fesztivalunkra, a standokon nemcsak eteleket es italokat arulnak, hanem kezmuves dolgokat, ajandekokat, mas regiokbol valo elelmiszereket. Pasztel es yakisoba csirke az alap, ugy mint a tapiokabol keszult etelek es a hurkapalcara felszurt eprek. 

A standok mellett vidamparkot allitottak fel a gyerekeknek, oda Caio-t is elvittuk, es a harom legtobb energiat igenybevevo jatekra vettunk jegyet: az ugralovarba, a felfujhato csuzdara es a trambulinra. Mire ezeken kiszorakozta magat kelloen leizzadt es elfaradt, igy vita nelkul mehettunk haza. :-) 
Egyebkent hatalmas tomeg volt, az egesz varos idejott este szorakozni; valamelyik nap pont eszembe jutott, hogy milyen jo lenne elmenni valamikor egy zenei fesztivalra is, de most kicsit elbizonytalanodtam, hogy az ekkora tomeg tenyleg nekem valo-e meg...nem biztos.

A fesztival egy egesz honapon keresztul tart, igy mivel en imadom az epret, nagy a kisertes, hogy ellatogatunk meg oda egy parszor juliusban.

(a tomegre (es sajat magamra) valo tekintettel nem csinaltam kepeket, a mobilom elrejtve pihent hozzamszijjazva...isten hozott Braziliaban, hahaha)


The annual Strawberry Festival (Festa do Morango) commenced on the 2nd of July in Sao Vicente to celebrate the end of the strawberry season.
In almost 20 tents products made with strawberry were exposed such as sweets, liqueurs, pies, shortcakes, mousse and popsicle, plus natural strawberries in boxes on sale (buy 1 get 2).
Not only hot meals and drinks are sold during the festival but gifts and folk-art goods as well as foods from other regions.  

Well, I didn`t deny myself and after consuming a fair amount of strawberry cake, I bought a bottle of home-made golden tequila...The fact is that tequila is not very popular here, at least I can barely see it in the supermarkets or shops so I got very excited when I saw that home-made one. I could taste it before the purchase and even that half centiliter was a hit, so I knew I had the right choice. :-)

We took Caio to the fun park nearby and bought tickets for the three most energy consuming toys: bouncy caste, high slide and trampoline. By that time he finished playing on these ones he got enough tired to accept our invitation to go home without any issue. :-)

By the way the crowd was just enormous; I really had festival feeling, including the deafening music; it was a bit similar to Winter Wonderland in the Hyde Park on a Sunday afternoon. 
The festival takes place for a whole month and as I love strawberries, we might visit there few more times strictly avoiding the evenings. 

(considering the crowd and my own safety, I didn't take any pictures; my mobile was hidden in my bag tied to my body...welcome to Brazil, LOL)

Update: tekintve, hogy most olcso az eper, es a teny, hogy meg nem talaltam itt olyan lekvart amitol a vercukorszintem nem fakad sirva, tegnap keszitettem egy adag eperlekvart probakent. Finom lett, igy hamarosan koveti majd a tobbi is :-)

Update: considering the falling price of the strawberry by the end of the season and the fact that I haven`t found not over sweetened jams in the supermarkets yet, yesterday I made a pot of strawberry jam as a trial. Today I tasted it and it is delicious so I am going to make more during the weekend yuppiiii :-)

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