Caio augusztusban kezdte el itt az iskolat, a teli szunet utan folytatva az elso osztalyt. Braziliaban az allami altalanos iskolak alacsony szinvonala miatt a legtobb gyerek maganiskolaba jar es mi is egy ilyenbe irattuk be Caiot.
A tanev itt februarban kezdodik, juliusban van egy honap teli szunet, a nyari szunet pedig december kozepetol februar elejeig tart. Az alapoktatas Braziliaban 6-14 eves kor kozott tortenik es az altalanos iskolakban ket reszre oszlik: also- es felsotagozatra (Ensino Fundamental I es Ensino Fundamental II).
A tanev itt februarban kezdodik, juliusban van egy honap teli szunet, a nyari szunet pedig december kozepetol februar elejeig tart. Az alapoktatas Braziliaban 6-14 eves kor kozott tortenik es az altalanos iskolakban ket reszre oszlik: also- es felsotagozatra (Ensino Fundamental I es Ensino Fundamental II).
Caio februarban lesz tehat masodikos, es az ETAPA oktatasi rendszer szerint tanul. A Sistema ETAPA egyike azon oktatasi rendszereknek amely szerint az itteni maganiskolak felepitik a tananyagot es egy kidolgozott modszer alapjan tanitjak a diakokat. Sajat tankonyveik vannak, amelyek illeszkednek az iskola filozofiajahoz, ugyanakkor kovetik az allami tantervet is. (Legjobban az otthoni "hagyomanyos", Waldorf vagy Montessori stb...iskolakhoz tudnam hasonlitani)
Tobbfele oktatasi rendszer letezik az ETAPA mellett, peldaul az Anglo (Sistema Anglo de Ensino), a COC (Sistema COC de Ensino), SEP (Sistema de Ensino Poliedro), vagy a Sistema de Ensino Objetivo stb...
Az, hogy melyik oktatasi modszer a legjobb az tobb dologtol is fugg, mert nemcsak a tananyag felepitese szamit, hanem a tanaroktol es maguktol a gyerekektol (az o kepesseguktol) is nagyban fugg, hogy mennyire sikeresen vegzik el az iskolat es kerulnek be felsooktatasi intezmenybe. Arban is vannak kulonbsegek, az Anglo tipusu iskolak viszonylag magas helyen allnak a tovabbtanult gyerekek szamat illetoen es dragabbak is mint az Etapa peldaul.
A kulonbseget az adja, hogy az Anglo tipusu rendszerben a gyerekeket elso osztalytol kezdve celiranyosan a kesobbi egyetemi felvetelikre keszitik fel, azaz az evek folyaman kifejezetten olyan tipusu feladatokat es teszteket kapnak amelyek majd mind a sikeres felvetelit celozzak meg.
A kulonbseget az adja, hogy az Anglo tipusu rendszerben a gyerekeket elso osztalytol kezdve celiranyosan a kesobbi egyetemi felvetelikre keszitik fel, azaz az evek folyaman kifejezetten olyan tipusu feladatokat es teszteket kapnak amelyek majd mind a sikeres felvetelit celozzak meg.
Az ETAPA rendszer atfogo ismereteket nyujt minden tantargybol es csak az utolso egy-ket evet szanjak a felsooktatasba valo bekerules elosegitesere. Caio iskolajaban eszerint folyik az oktatas, de peldaul a Nemzetkozi Kenguru Matematikaversenyen (amelyben 47 orszag diakja versenyez egymassal, koztuk Magyarorszag is), iden az iskola harom diakja nyert egy arany es ket bronz ermet.
Az elsosok oktatasa ebben az evben foleg az iras/olvasasra koncentral, emellett van matematika, tortenelem, multimedia, kornyezetismeret, angol valamint penzugyi es vallalkozasi ismeretek (errol nincs konyvuk de gondolom itt is szamolnak, csak "penz nyelven" illetve tanulnak a penz ertekerol). Iden a capoeria is resze az orarendjuknek, bar Caio ezt nem szereti annyira, mivel mindig csak ket ember "harcol" egymassal a kor kozepen, a tobbiek meg tapsolnak, Caio pedig szegyenlos bemenni a kor kozepere, o inkabb egyelore csak tapsolna :-)
Az iskolaban a hangulat jo es Caio szeret odajarni. Melissanak hivjak a tanitonenit es o is nagyon kedves a gyerekekkel; jo brazil szokas szerint sok-sok puszit kap mindegyik.
Az elsosok delutan jarnak iskolaba, 1 oratol este 6-ig. Itt a tanitasi ido harom reszre van osztva, reggel, kora delutan es este. Igy az iskolak tobb diakot tudnak oktatni, es kevesebb tantermet kell nekik fenntartani (ha peldaul a felsosok reggel, az alsosok pedig delutan jarnak suliba)
Caionak lassan alakul a barati kore is, bizonyos nevek elkezdtek ismetlodni otthon, igy gondolom azokkal a gyerekekkel van a legtobbet.
Nincsenek tantargyankent kulon konyveik, van egy munkafuzetuk, amley tobb tantargyat is tartalmaz, valamit egy kulon fuzetben hetente tobbszor is kapnak hazi feladatot. Ezen a heten harom felmerot is irnak portugal nyelvbol, matekbol, a harmadik pedig diktalas lesz.
Caio returned back to school at the beginning of August, just after winter holiday.
The academic year starts in early February and the first term of the year runs through until the end of June. Winter holiday lasts for one month in July and the second term starts at the beginning of August. This term then continuous until early December when summer / Christmas holiday starts.
In Brazil it is mandatory for children to go to school from age 6 to 14. These compulsory nine years is called Fundamental Education (Ensino Fundamental) and are divided into two levels: Ensino Fundamental I and Ensino Fundamental II.
As the quality of state schools are quiet low here, most of the people send their kids into private schools. There are loads of private schools to chose from and prices differ depending on what the school can provide.
Within the private school system, numerous pedagogies can be found from which to choose a child`s educational direction. These systems are largely based on existing European models and essentially focus on the degree of attention placed on the arts and humanities versus scientific and technical subjects.
So, Caio is going to finish Year 1 in December then will start the second year in February. He studies in ETAPA system which is one of the education groups in Brazil and offers quality education from kindergarten to college.
There are several educational systems in Brazil for instance Anglo (Sistema Anglo de Ensino), COC (Sistema COC de Ensino), SEP (Sistema de Ensino Poliedro), or Sistema de Ensino Objetivo etc...
Choosing the most appropriate school depends on many factors. Whether the philosophy of the school is in line with the parents` notion, the ability of the child, parents` financial condition, the school`s attitudes toward disciplinary measures and the rigidity of teaching methods etc...
Regardless of the system, be it public or private, most schools divide their school hours into three sessions, from 7am - 12pm, from 1pm - 6pm and from 6pm - 10pm. A child attend one session per school a day. This year Caio goes to school from 1pm - 6pm.
This system is usually implemented in order to cope with the number of children enrolled and gives the opportunity to the schools to teach young children during one session, with the older children taking over the spaces at different times, or vice-versa.
I found Caio`s school environment pretty much friendly; kids like going to school and the general atmosphere is very good. In Year 1 they focus on writing and reading mainly but they also study maths, Portuguese language, English, history of Brazil, geography, science and financial basics.
Capoeira is also included in their timetable however currently it is not Caio`s favorite activity since the focus is usually on the two "fighters" who are in the middle of a circle and Caio is too shy now to be in the center of attention :-)
He started to build some friendships within the class and some names began to be repeated at home so I guess those are the kids he spends most of his time.
Just as in UK, they don't carry numbers of books per each subjects to school; Caio has an exercise book which includes more subjects and another one for weekly homework. This week they have three tests, one from Portuguese language, then writing skills and maths.
Az iskolaban a hangulat jo es Caio szeret odajarni. Melissanak hivjak a tanitonenit es o is nagyon kedves a gyerekekkel; jo brazil szokas szerint sok-sok puszit kap mindegyik.
Az elsosok delutan jarnak iskolaba, 1 oratol este 6-ig. Itt a tanitasi ido harom reszre van osztva, reggel, kora delutan es este. Igy az iskolak tobb diakot tudnak oktatni, es kevesebb tantermet kell nekik fenntartani (ha peldaul a felsosok reggel, az alsosok pedig delutan jarnak suliba)
Caionak lassan alakul a barati kore is, bizonyos nevek elkezdtek ismetlodni otthon, igy gondolom azokkal a gyerekekkel van a legtobbet.
Nincsenek tantargyankent kulon konyveik, van egy munkafuzetuk, amley tobb tantargyat is tartalmaz, valamit egy kulon fuzetben hetente tobbszor is kapnak hazi feladatot. Ezen a heten harom felmerot is irnak portugal nyelvbol, matekbol, a harmadik pedig diktalas lesz.
Caio returned back to school at the beginning of August, just after winter holiday.
The academic year starts in early February and the first term of the year runs through until the end of June. Winter holiday lasts for one month in July and the second term starts at the beginning of August. This term then continuous until early December when summer / Christmas holiday starts.
In Brazil it is mandatory for children to go to school from age 6 to 14. These compulsory nine years is called Fundamental Education (Ensino Fundamental) and are divided into two levels: Ensino Fundamental I and Ensino Fundamental II.
As the quality of state schools are quiet low here, most of the people send their kids into private schools. There are loads of private schools to chose from and prices differ depending on what the school can provide.
Within the private school system, numerous pedagogies can be found from which to choose a child`s educational direction. These systems are largely based on existing European models and essentially focus on the degree of attention placed on the arts and humanities versus scientific and technical subjects.
So, Caio is going to finish Year 1 in December then will start the second year in February. He studies in ETAPA system which is one of the education groups in Brazil and offers quality education from kindergarten to college.
There are several educational systems in Brazil for instance Anglo (Sistema Anglo de Ensino), COC (Sistema COC de Ensino), SEP (Sistema de Ensino Poliedro), or Sistema de Ensino Objetivo etc...
Choosing the most appropriate school depends on many factors. Whether the philosophy of the school is in line with the parents` notion, the ability of the child, parents` financial condition, the school`s attitudes toward disciplinary measures and the rigidity of teaching methods etc...
Regardless of the system, be it public or private, most schools divide their school hours into three sessions, from 7am - 12pm, from 1pm - 6pm and from 6pm - 10pm. A child attend one session per school a day. This year Caio goes to school from 1pm - 6pm.
This system is usually implemented in order to cope with the number of children enrolled and gives the opportunity to the schools to teach young children during one session, with the older children taking over the spaces at different times, or vice-versa.
I found Caio`s school environment pretty much friendly; kids like going to school and the general atmosphere is very good. In Year 1 they focus on writing and reading mainly but they also study maths, Portuguese language, English, history of Brazil, geography, science and financial basics.
Capoeira is also included in their timetable however currently it is not Caio`s favorite activity since the focus is usually on the two "fighters" who are in the middle of a circle and Caio is too shy now to be in the center of attention :-)
He started to build some friendships within the class and some names began to be repeated at home so I guess those are the kids he spends most of his time.
Just as in UK, they don't carry numbers of books per each subjects to school; Caio has an exercise book which includes more subjects and another one for weekly homework. This week they have three tests, one from Portuguese language, then writing skills and maths.
penzugyek gyerekeknek / finance for kids