

2015. április 6., hétfő

A honap zeneje es filmje...Music and movie of the month

Az axe [ejtsd: ase] egy meglehetosen nepszeru zenei mufaj Braziliaban, ami Salvador-bol, Bahia-bol ered. Az “axe” szo jelentese konnyed, lelek, kellemes rezges. Jobban belegondolva nem is a forro, hanem az axe volt az elso brazil zenei elmenyem, leven foleg ez a szolt keddenkent a “forro” mellett a Salsa Bar clubban.

Az axe-ra amugy van egy cuki koreografia amit most szegyenszemre bevallom, hogy sosem sikerult teljesen elsajatitanom, na, nem azert mert annyira bonyolult, hanem mert annyi tequila utan ki bir egyaltalan jarni…??

Na, de a kovetkezo videon szereplok nagyon ugyesen tancoljak, es megigerem, hogy egyszer majd egy forro nyari esten, mikor ulve is a sajat leve folyik az emberek, megtanulom az elejetol a vegeig. (nagyon szar vagyok koreografiaban amugy)

Axe Bahia - Maozinha:

Ez a kis video Londonbol, a Salsa Bar clubbol, ahol a bacsi nagyon ugyesen mozgatja a popsijat, hat, na, szoval nekem a latin zenetol jo ertelemben mindig felmegy a vernyomasom, igy tenyleg szerencsesnek erzem magam, hogy brazil a ferjem, megha nem is a parkett ordoge o.

Juninho do Axe - "Sim, sim, sim, nao, nao nao"

Es a zene amihez irto kellemes emlekek kotnek, Piririm Pom Pom

Terra Samba

Axe [ashe] is a popular music genre originating in Salvador, Bahia. The word “axe” means light, spirit or good vibration. Thinking of that, axe was my very first experience regarding Brazilian music, followed by “forro” since these two genres were on Tuesday nights at Bar Salsa in London.

By the way there is a cute choreography for axe music, and now I have to admit that at that time I didn’t manage to memorize it – not because it is so complicated, oh no. It was because after that amount of tequila we had who was able to walk at all…??? LOL

Anyhow, people on this video below dance axe very well, and I promise! That one day on a hot summer night when people swim in their own sweat, I am going to memorize it from the beginning to the end. (I am utterly rubbish at any kind of choreography my God…)

Axe Bahia - Maozinha:

This following piece is straight from London, from Bar Salsa, where this Senhor moves his bum pretty well. So, needless to say, when I hear Latin music I don’t need to drink coffee (if you know what I mean) and I am always reminded how lucky I am that my husband is a Brazilian charm man.

Juninho do Axe - "Sim, sim, sim, nao, nao, nao"

Oh, and here is the one I have so many good memories linked to, Piririm Pom Pom

Terra Samba - Piririm Pom Pom

Film: Four days in September ("O Que É Isso, Companheiro?")

A hatvanas evek vegen jatszodo tortenetben Fernando, az ujsagiro, es baratja Cesar csatlakozik az MR-8 nevu terrorista csoporthoz hogy az akkori diktatura ellen harcoljanak. A tortenet alapja egy emberrablas, amikor 1969-ben az MR-8 emberei elraboljak az amerikai nagykovetet, Charles Burke Elbrick-et. A 4 nap tortenete amugy fikcio, egyedul a hatteresemenyek valosak.


Fernando, a journalist, and his friend César join terrorist group MR8 in order to fight Brazilian dictatorial regime during the late sixties. Cesare, however, is wounded and captured during a bank hold up. Fernando then decides to kidnap the American ambassador in Brazil and ask for the release of fifteen political prisoners in exchange for his life.

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