Folyamatosan kutatom a netet olyan blogok utan amik vagy Braziliarol, vagy Latin-Amerikarol irodnak, mert kivancsi termeszet vagyok es erdekel, hogy masok hogyan elik meg a beilleszkedest Braziliaban, hogy kinek mi jelenti a legnagyobb kihivast, es ki milyen hatterinfoval rendelkezett mikor kiment es mennyire arnyalta a kepet ha hosszabb idot toltott ott.
Szeretem az utazos blogokat is, es ilyenkor nagyon nagyon irigy vagyok es sajnalom, hogy nincs parhuzamosan futo eletunk, hogy tenyleg mindent ki tudjunk probalni olykor es olyan nagy kalandokba belevagni amit sokan vagy penz-, vagy idohianyaban nem tehetnek meg.
Szeretem az utazos blogokat is, es ilyenkor nagyon nagyon irigy vagyok es sajnalom, hogy nincs parhuzamosan futo eletunk, hogy tenyleg mindent ki tudjunk probalni olykor es olyan nagy kalandokba belevagni amit sokan vagy penz-, vagy idohianyaban nem tehetnek meg.
Ezen kivul szeretek olvasni blogokat olyan orszagokrol amikrol tenyleg fogalmam sincs, hogy milyenek lehetnek ott a hetkoznapok, legyen az az USA, a karib terseg, azsiai orszagok vagy eppen az arab vilag.
Mivel immaron majdnem 7 eve egy japan tulajdonu cegnel dolgozom (de mar csak egy hetig!!) ezert elkerulhetetlen volt, hogy a japan kulturat, viselkedest (ugy mint maganeletben es mint a cegnel) megismerjem, es olvastam is sokat roluk, foleg, hogy megertsem mit miert csinalnak, mire miert reagalnak ugy, ahogy, vagy miert viselkednek neha furcsan (nekem furcsan). Visszatekintve erre a 7 het evre azt kell mondjam, rengeteget tanultam mas kulturak szokasaibol, nemcsak a japanokebol de mas nemzetisegebol is. A multikulturalis cegnel valo munka folyamatosan a sajat viselkedesem es a dolgokhoz valo hozzaallasom felulvizsgalatara kesztetett es az evek soran sokkal toleransabb es turelmesebb (na jo, nem mindig) lettem masokkal, sokkal kevesebbet kritizalok masokat (persze nem azt mondom, vannak emberek, akik fel tudnak idegesiteni rendesen) es jobban elfogadom, ha valaki szamomra furan viselkedik. Csak azert mert o olyan.
A japanokrol szolo blogok egyebkent sokat segitettek abban, hogy ne oruljek meg toluk, es tenyleg probaljam meg inkabb megerteni oket.
Mivel immaron majdnem 7 eve egy japan tulajdonu cegnel dolgozom (de mar csak egy hetig!!) ezert elkerulhetetlen volt, hogy a japan kulturat, viselkedest (ugy mint maganeletben es mint a cegnel) megismerjem, es olvastam is sokat roluk, foleg, hogy megertsem mit miert csinalnak, mire miert reagalnak ugy, ahogy, vagy miert viselkednek neha furcsan (nekem furcsan). Visszatekintve erre a 7 het evre azt kell mondjam, rengeteget tanultam mas kulturak szokasaibol, nemcsak a japanokebol de mas nemzetisegebol is. A multikulturalis cegnel valo munka folyamatosan a sajat viselkedesem es a dolgokhoz valo hozzaallasom felulvizsgalatara kesztetett es az evek soran sokkal toleransabb es turelmesebb (na jo, nem mindig) lettem masokkal, sokkal kevesebbet kritizalok masokat (persze nem azt mondom, vannak emberek, akik fel tudnak idegesiteni rendesen) es jobban elfogadom, ha valaki szamomra furan viselkedik. Csak azert mert o olyan.
A japanokrol szolo blogok egyebkent sokat segitettek abban, hogy ne oruljek meg toluk, es tenyleg probaljam meg inkabb megerteni oket.
Idaig az alabbi blogokat sikerult lehalasznom, illetve ezek olyan blogok, amiket folyamatosan nyomon kovetek (bar sajnos nem mindegyik frissul).
Alabb kilistaztam az altalam rendszeresen latogatott vagy mar olvasott blogokat mert szerintem mindegyik nagyon erdekes, es sokat tudhat meg az ember mas orszagok es emberek szokasairol, mindennapjairol akar ott el (elt), akar mint turista fordult meg ott.
Utazos blogok:
I continuously hunt for blogs on the net about Brazil, my favourites are personal experiences of course. I am interested in public journals too but it is always more exciting how people find living in Brazil, what their first impressions are, whether or not they struggle with integration or with people or culture.
It is obvious that experiences varies not only because we, people are different but based on the experience in that country we come from or what the latest destination was before moving to Brazil. Arriving to Brazil directly from Hungary for example without experiencing other countries` culture or working environments might cause more cultural shock over there however I always try to avoid to compare countries and cultures. All of them are unique and there is a reason why things go like that. Every culture has positive and negative side and it is very individual how the one can cope with it.
There are cultures where I would say I understand (I undertsand people`s behave, the history of the country, the political and social environment and their effect on people`s behave) but cannot accept so that country will probably never be a place of my living.
Having experiences in different countries makes me more patient and tolerant with people and force me to review my own behave and try to adopt as much as possible.
I listed few blog below about Brazil and hunting goes on, as I always want to know more and more about this huge and beautiful country.
I also love reading about unusual places (unusal for a European I mean) such as Asia, USA, the Caribbean or the arabic area of Asia.
In addition to above, as I have been working for a Japanese company for almost 7 years now (2 more weeks to go!!), Japanese culture was obviously an unavoidable thing to "live with" hence I tried to read about it more mainly in order to understand why Japanese people do what they do, what the "logic" is behind of their acts. In this subject one of my colleagues` blog helped as well to discover other bloggers on the net and I had nice founds and actually had good fun reading them too.
About Brazil:
Working enviroment changes people oh yes:
About Japan and Japanese working environment:
I continuously hunt for blogs on the net about Brazil, my favourites are personal experiences of course. I am interested in public journals too but it is always more exciting how people find living in Brazil, what their first impressions are, whether or not they struggle with integration or with people or culture.
It is obvious that experiences varies not only because we, people are different but based on the experience in that country we come from or what the latest destination was before moving to Brazil. Arriving to Brazil directly from Hungary for example without experiencing other countries` culture or working environments might cause more cultural shock over there however I always try to avoid to compare countries and cultures. All of them are unique and there is a reason why things go like that. Every culture has positive and negative side and it is very individual how the one can cope with it.
There are cultures where I would say I understand (I undertsand people`s behave, the history of the country, the political and social environment and their effect on people`s behave) but cannot accept so that country will probably never be a place of my living.
Having experiences in different countries makes me more patient and tolerant with people and force me to review my own behave and try to adopt as much as possible.
I listed few blog below about Brazil and hunting goes on, as I always want to know more and more about this huge and beautiful country.
I also love reading about unusual places (unusal for a European I mean) such as Asia, USA, the Caribbean or the arabic area of Asia.
In addition to above, as I have been working for a Japanese company for almost 7 years now (2 more weeks to go!!), Japanese culture was obviously an unavoidable thing to "live with" hence I tried to read about it more mainly in order to understand why Japanese people do what they do, what the "logic" is behind of their acts. In this subject one of my colleagues` blog helped as well to discover other bloggers on the net and I had nice founds and actually had good fun reading them too.
About Brazil:
Working enviroment changes people oh yes:
About Japan and Japanese working environment:
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