

2015. április 17., péntek

Utolso het!...Last week in UK

Jovo heten ilyenkor mar ott leszunk! A Heathrow-rol megyunk, ezuttal kozvetlen jarattal, a TAM-mal. Ejszakai repules lesz, de nekem ez azt jelenti, hogy le kell foglalnom magam konyvekkel meg filmekkel, mert nem nagyon tudok repulon aludni, csak amikor mar a kimerultsegtol zombiva valtozom, na, akkor talan 2 orat...Meg az a szerencse, hogy Caio nem ilyen, igy majd felette orkodom szerintem az ut alatt.
Nagyon izgalmas, egy borond mar megtelt, egy masikban vannak a ruhak, a harmadik pedig meg arra var, hogy o is megteljen. Dobozolok, csomagolok, torekenyek buborekos foliaba, a tobbi kevesbe serulekeny a ruhak koze.
El akarom vinni a parnakat is, meg a takarokat is, mert olyan jo puhak :-) Caionak is vannak meg babakorabol megmaradt gyerektakarok, azokat is visszuk. A bogreimet is egyenkent kell becsomagolni, meg a vilagito kozmetikai tukrot, az infralampat, meg az a jo, hogy a karacsonyfadiszek (amelyek meg a fan voltak mikor elment a szallitmany Braziliaba) muanyagok.
A hetvegen meg lesz egy utolso shopping korutam az Oxford street-en, szinhazlatogatas a West End-en, ebed a Soho-ban, piacozas Camden Town-ban es egy libegozes a Temze felett mielott jovo heten vegleg bucsut mondunk Anglianak.
A lakas mar gyakorlatilag ures, mar csak a TV-t kell bedobozolnom (es elkuldenem Magyarorszagra), illetve fuggonyoket le, szonyegeket ki es kesz.
Caionak is ez volt az utolso hete az iskolaban, penteken az osztalytarsai elbucsuztattak es o is vitt nekik egy kis ajandekot. Nagyon izgatott az utazas miatt, es kivancsi az uj iskolajara is Santos-ban, bar gondolom azert lesz egy-ket kisebb hullamvolgye mire beilleszkedik, de remeljuk a legjobbakat. Termeszetesen a legjobban a tengerpartot varja, meg minden vizzel osszekapcsolhato tevekenyseget. Na, meg persze a jo idot.
A Husvet barati latogatasokkal telt, egy idore elbucsuztunk Selmaek-tol, Joannaek-tol es Martiek-tol, de remelem Braziliaban azert meg latjuk egymast mikor ok is jonnek csaladot latogatni.
Meg volt idom osszefutni Petraval is es vacsorazni Karolinaval, a tobbiekkel pedig volt egy kozos ebed az utolso munkanapomon.
Caionak szerencseje volt, ezen heten megint vidampark van a Kennington parkban igy meg ki tudott probalni uj dolgokat es az idojaras is tenyleg kegyes volt, sutott a nap egesz hetvegen.
A kovetkezo hasonlo program remelhetoleg egy vizipark lesz Campinas-ban. :-)
Gosh, at this time next week we will be in Brazil already...We depart from Heathrow next Thursday at 10pm and fly with TAM. It will be a direct flight to Sao Paulo this time and night flight means that I have to be prepared with books, music and films as I usually cannot sleep during flight so I have to entertain myself for 8-10 hours. The only way for me to sleep a bit is when I am really really dead tired and reach that point where it doesn`t count anymore where I am just have some nap.
I am super excited and I have already started to fill in the suitcases - one is almost ready. I will pack most the clothes to the second one, and the third one is still waiting to get filled. I am busy with packing fragile things into boxes, wrapping them up to bubble wraps, and sharing the weight of the luggages. I want to take pillows and blankets as well, as they are so soft, hope there will be enough room for them.
I have to pack my mugs one by one, same with my make-up mirror and the infrared lamp.
I am going spend my last weekend in UK with shopping at Oxford street, taking Caio to cable car for the last time, going to theatre (The moustrap), having dinner at Soho and wandering in Camden town. Flat is almost empty, only the curtains need to be taken off the windows and TV to be delivered to Hungary.
Caio is very excited as well. Yesterday was his last day at school and his teacher and classmates organzied a mini farewell party to him. Unfortunately the school doesn`t accept cakes so I bought some presents to the kids and Caio took it to the school.
He already knows about his new school in Brazil and can`t wait to start, but I think there will be some blue days before he will be fully settled down. Let`s see, brazilian kids are very friendly and talkative and beach-sunshine combo is an ongoing attraction to him.
During Easter we visited few friends and said hello to Selma, Joanna, Marti and their kids and I will definitely try to see them in Brazil when they visit their relatives.
I also took the opportunity to see Petra and Karolina and had lunch and dinner with them.
Last weekend was Caio`s lucky one as funfair at Kennington took place again and the weather was really sunny and mild so he spent a lot of time on the slide with other kids, in addition to the other toys.
The following similar program will be in an AquaPark in Campinas - at least hope so!

Husvet / Easter

Raul, Anthony and Caio

Joanna, Anthony and Raul

Amy and Caio

 Gyurmaznak / Playing with playdough

Vidampark a Kennington parkban / Funfair at Kennington park

Szinhaz: Az egerfogo / Theatre play: The Mousetrap

Szinhaz: A fekete ruhas no / Theatre play: The woman in black

Mozi: Whiplash / Cinema: Whiplash

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