

2015. március 28., szombat

Turistakent Santosban...Tourist attractions - Obras do Teleferico

Kicsit csalok, mert a libego inkabb Sao Vincente-hez tartozik mint Santoshoz. A libegot, ami az Itarare partszakaszt koti ossze a Votorua heggyel, 2002-ben alapitottak. 780 meter hosszan szallitja az utasokat 3,8 km/oras sebesseggel. A dombrol gyonyoru kilatas nyilik a tengerre es az azt ovezo partszakaszra, alattad terul el egesz Sao Vicente es Santos egy resze.
A sikloernyosok is eloszeretettel hasznaljak a dombtetot kiindulohelynek - amikor ott jartunk, eppen egy sikloernyos futott neki a hegyrol, bar majdnem nekiutkozott a sziklafalnak, mert nem vett eleg nagy lenduletet...


I am a bit cheating because The Obras de Teleferico, or cable car is in the area of Sao Vincente rather than Santos. It connects the Itarare coast with a mountain called Votorua. It was established in 2002; the lengths of the cable is 780 metres and transport passengers at a speed of 3,8km/hrs.
The is a spectacular view from the mountain - the whole coast of Sao Vicente can be seen and some part of Santos beach. 
The top of the mountain is a popular departure for gliders, when we were there one guy just run off the hill but almost crashed to the cliffs as he didn`t reach the appropriate speed.


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