

2015. március 13., péntek

Santos regi varosresze...Old Santos city

Santos Brazilia egyik legregebbi varosa es jelenleg a legfontosabb kikotovarosa. Amikor a portugalok partra szalltak 1500-ban, Santos mai teruletet a Tupinikin indian torzs lakta. Azonban 1532 tajan, az elso telepulesek (tobbek kozott Sao Vicente) letrejottekor, a terulet folyamatosan a Tamoio-k tamadasa alatt allt,  akik a franciak szovetsegesei voltak. A franciakat 1560-ban Rional levertek, a Tamoio-kat pedig nemsokkal utana lemeszaroltak.

1580-ra Santos viragzo kikotovaroskava nott, mintegy 400 lakohazzal. Legelso export cikke a cukor a volt, amit a hegyek labanal es a fennsikon nott cukornadbol nyertek. A 19. szazad vegere ezt felvaltotta a kave amely gyorsan Brazilia fo beveteli forrasava valt. A kavekereskedelem Sao Pauloval valo osszekotesenek es az ipari magnas Visconde de Maua altal letrehozott,  a Santos-t Sao Pauloval osszekoto vasutvonalnak koszonhetoen Santos gazdag kikotovarossa notte ki magat.
A tengerparton pazar kavekuriak sorakoztak, a kozpont pedig Brazilia legfontosabb tozsdejenek, a Bolsa do Cafe-nak adott helyet.

Santos egy szigeten terul el es az obol fole tornyosulo hegyek veszik korul. A gyarmatosito idokben feherrre meszelt hazaival, templomaival es tiszta, feher homokos tengerpartjaval Brazilia egy legelbuvolobb varosa lehetett. 

Sajnos a 20, szazadban kitort sargalaz, es a kozelben fekvo Cubatao varos altal okozott ipari szennyezes hanyatlasra itelte Santost es a varos sokat veszitett varazsabol.
Az 1980-as evekben a tenger es a hegyek kozott fekvo hatorszag lett Del-Amerika egy legkellemetlenebb ipari zonaja. Cubatao petrokemiai uzemeit a sajtoban csak "Halalvolgynek" emlegettek es a fold legszennyezettebb sarkava kialtottak ki mivel az a veszely fenyegetett, hogy a dombokban felhalmozott mergezo hulladekok belecsusznak a tengerbe.
Egy foldcsuszamlas, majd a szuletesi rendellenessegekkel szuletett gyerekek szamanak novekedese vegul elinditott egy tisztitasi hullamot Cubatao-ban ami mara egy sikeres projektnek mondhato. 

A mai Santos kezdi visszanyerni regi arcat. A gyarmati idokbol megmaradt varoskozpontban ma villamos viszi korbe a turistakat hogy megmutassa nekik a varos nevezetessegeit, a gyarmati idokbol fennmaradt templomokat, a Bolsa de Cafe-t - ez utobbi egy remek kis muzeum lett, ahol Brazilia legfinomabb eszpresszojat szolgaljak fel. Santos ad otthont a Santos FC altal uzemeltetett Pele muzeumnak is, ezzel tisztelegve a futball legendanak, es a varosnak, ahol szuletett es jatszott. (Egyebkent Neymar is a Santos FC-nel kezdte palyafutasat 2003-ban).      


Santos is one of Brazil's oldest cities and has long been its most important port. When the Portuguese arrived, the Tupinikin people dominated the region. However, the first settlements at neighbouring São Vicente (1532) were constantly under attack by the Tamoio who were allies of the French. The French were defeated at Rio in 1560 and the Tamoio massacred soon after.

By the 1580s Santos was a burgeoning port with some 400 houses. The first export was sugar, grown as cane at the foot of the mountains and on the plateau. By the late 19th century this had been replaced by coffee, which rapidly became Brazil's main source of income. The city was connected to São Paulo and the coffee region by the British under the guidance of Barão Visconde de Mauá, and the city grew wealthy.
The seafront was lined with opulent coffee mansions and the centre was home to Brazil's most important stock exchange, the Bolsa do Café.

Santos stands on an island in a bay surrounded by towering mountains and extensive areas of lowland mangrove forest - a setting equally as beautiful as that of Salvador or Rio. When it was dominated by colonial houses, churches and clean white-sand beaches Santos itself must have been one of Brazil's most enchanting cities.

But in the 20th century an evil reputation for yellow fever and industrial pollution from nearby Cubatão left the city to decay and it lost much of its architecture along with its charm. In the 1980s, the hinterland between the sea and mountains became the site of one of South America's most unpleasant industrial zones. The petrochemical plants of Cubatão were so notorious that they were referred to in the press as the 'The Valley of Death'. Santos and around was said to be the most contaminated corner of the planet, with so much toxic waste undermining the hills that the whole lot threatened to slip down into the sea. In the late 1980s, a spate of mutant births in Cubatão eventually prompted a clean-up operation, which is said to have been largely successful.

Contemporary Santos is getting its act together. The old colonial centre has been tidied up and Scottish trams ferry tourists past the city's sights. These include a series of colonial churches and the Bolsa do Café - a superb little museum whose café-restaurant serves the most delicious espresso in Brazil. Santos is also Pelé's home and the city he played for almost all his career. Santos FC has a museum devoted to the club and to Pelé and it is easy to attend a game. (By the way Neymar started his career at Santos FC too in 2003).

(Source: http://www.footprinttravelguides.com/latin-america/brazil/sao-paulo/the-coast-of-sao-paulo/santos-and-sao-vicente)

Bolsa de Cafe

Santuário Santo Antônio do Valongo

Santos old city

Pele museum

Estação do Valongo

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