

2015. március 12., csütörtök

A csaladom es a foci...My family and the football...

Kezdjuk a legsokkolobb hirrel: sem en, sem Eclezio nem szeretjuk a focit. Ez van. Igy alakult, igen, van olyan brazil aki nem szereti a focit. (es van olyan magyar, aki nem szereti a vizilabdat, ha!) Mivel nem szereti, ezert nem is tud rola tul sokat, rolam aztan nem is beszelve. A vilagbajnoksagokat azert nyomon kovetjuk, igy 2014 ota mar en is tudom ki az a Neymar, meg David Luiz meg Thiago Silva. Es nekem is veluk egett az arcom a 7:1-es vereseg utan (uristen, nem tudom mikor sajnaltam ennyi embert egyszerre, borzaszto volt, meg most is konnybe labad a szemem) Es azt is tudom kabe hogy ezek a jatekosok melyik futball klubhoz igazoltak le, de aztan ennyi is. Tolem mar ez is nagy teljesitmeny, Ecleziora nezve pedig szegyen, mivel meg e keveske informacio is meghaladja az o “foci tudasat”

Na, nem igy a csaladja. Eclezio otthon nemcsak az “anti-vallasossaga” miatt log ki, hanem a foci iranti erdektelensege miatt is, ami szerintem jobban piszkalja a csoret masoknak, mint a templomba nem jaras. A foci Braziliaban egy szent dolog, muszaj, hogy legyen egy csapat aminek drukkolsz, olyan nincs, hogy nincs. Minden egyes alkalommal mikor megyunk, a kerdes, hogy melyik csapatnak drukkolunk felmerul, aztan tarsasagtol fuggoen bemondunk egyet, lehetoleg ugy, hogy minel kevesebb embert bantsunk meg. Azert, hogy ne legyen ennyire egyszeru a dolog, Eclezio csaladjan belul is mindenki mas csapatnak szurkol, ilyenkor probalunk egy harmadikat megnevezni. Dinho peldaul elvakult Corinthians rajongo, Eclezio apukaja pedig Palmeiras fan, igy en legtobbszor a Santos FC-t szoktam megjelolni. Szegeny Caio kapott mar mindefele szinu polot es zaszlot a nagybatyjatol is es a nagyapjatol is, es azt hordja amelyik eppen otthon van. (Talan ha megerkezunk, leteszem a voksot a Santos FC mellett, hogy elkeruljuk a tovabbi vitat mikor melyik polot viselje) :-)
A nagy futball rajongoknak amugy egyszer en is hasonlo szenvedellyel kezdtem beszelni a magyar vizilabdarol, de valahogy nem hatotta meg oket, a focin tul nem nagyon latnak mas sportagat amiert ilyen szinten rajongani lehet. Mindegy is, osszeveszni ezen tuti nem fogunk. Magamtol nem, de tarsasagban azert szivesen nezek focit, es Santosban is majd szeretnek elmenni egyszer egy focimeccsre.


Let`s start with the shocking news: neither me nor Eclezio like football. That`s it. Yes, there are Brazilians who don`t like football (and in the same way there are Hungarians who don`t like waterpolo!). As Eclezio is not interested in football, hence, he doesn`t know much about it, not to mention me, my knowledge is also quiet limited. Despite of our non-interest tough, we usually follow the world cup, so since 2014 I have known who Neymar, David Luiz and Thiago Silva are and I was ashamed with them of the 7:1 beat from Germany last year. (Oh my Gosh, I think I have never been so sorry for so many people at once, it was a really heartbreaking game). I also know more or less that to which football clubs these players belongs to, but that`s all. It`s already more than expected from me, and shame on Eclezio that he has even less knowledge about it.

Well, not his family. Eclezio  is out of line not only because of his non-religous lifestyle but his lack of interest of football too. I believe the latter is more painful for some of his family members than the fact that he is out of church. Football is a holy thing in Brazil, it just cannot happen that you don`t have a team to cheer. Every time we visit our family and friends in Brazil the question of "Which one is your favourite football club" comes up and depending of the content of the group, we try to pick one to hurt as less people as possible.
It`s not so easy though because our family members cheer for different teams so in this case we usually pick a third team. Dinho for example is crazy for Corinthians, while Eclezio`s father is a Palmeiras fan, so I usually say Santos FC. Poor Caio has already a collection of t-shirts and flags from the clubs his uncle and grandad cheer for and he wears the shirt depending who is at home on that day. (Maybe I will set him at Santos FC just to avoid further quarrel about the t-shirts) 
By the way, once I tried to talk about the Hungarian waterpolo team in the same way of passion as they do about football but it didn`t seem to impress them - maybe being a football fan is such a holy thing that no other type of sport game can reach such heights. Anyhow we won`t fight about it for sure. Not myself, but I gladly watch football in company and one day I would like to see a real game in Santos too.

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