

2015. március 1., vasárnap

Mindent Braziliarol - hogyan juthatunk el oda Europabol...All about Brazil - how to get there from Europe...

Valamelyik nap az egyik kolleganommel jottem haza a vonaton es Braziliara, azon belul is az etelekre, szokasokra, az utazasra es az orszag jellemzoire volt kivancsi es ez adta az otletet ahhoz, hogy egy kicsit errol is irjak – eddigi tapasztalataim alapjan. Ime tehat, ebben a posztban az utazasrol lesz szo.
Eloszor is, penztarcatol fuggoen el lehet donteni, hogy az ember a dragabb kozvetlen jaratokat valasztja, vagy az olcsobb, tobb atszallassal valo repulest. Mi idaig csak egy atszallast vallaltunk be Sao Paulo fele, de akadnak olyanok is, akik ennel tobb atszallassal oldjak meg, hogy igy is csokkentsek a koltsegeket. Ez persze fugg attol is, hogy egyedul vagy gyerek(ek)kel utazik az illeto.
A jegyeket le lehet foglalni a legitarsasag honlapjan is, de nekem az a tapasztalatom, hogy erdemes ugynokseget megbizni ezzel, mivel ok tobbszor tudnak akcios jegyeket kinalni, ha nem kotott a repules idopontja. (tudom ajanlani peldaul a Bravo Travel-t Londonban, ok tenyleg nagyon udvariasak es mindig vannak akcios jegyeik, ha az ember nem az utolso pillanatban akar foglalni)
Aztan erdemes azt is szamba venni, hogy ha csatlakozassal repulunk, akkor melyik repter az, ami meretben es tomegben jobban megfelel az elkepzeleseinknek. Peldaul a legtobben (en is) kicsit feszult vagyok utazaskor, igy egy olyan bazi nagy repter mint a parizsi Charles de Gaulle vagy az amszterdami Schipol nem igazan nekem valo, arrol nem is beszelve, hogy ha a gyerek is utazik, akkor a 20-30 perces gyaloglas az egyik terminalbol a masikba nem olyan erdekes, de megint: ha valaki egyedul vagy parban utazik, es van ideje ket csatlakozas kozott, akkor kulon jol johet egy jo hosszu seta, egy kis shoppingolassal egybekotve.
Eddigi tapasztalatom alapjan megemlitenem az repulogep szemelyzetet is, ez persze szubjektiv, de minden legitarsasaghoz mas elmenyek kotodtek idaig.

Tehat, az alabbiak mind londoni felszallassal ertendok es a csatlakozas varosonkent: 

Iberia - Madridon keresztul: A repter merete elfogadhato, bar ettol van kisebb is. Amikor ezzel utaztunk, volt idonk boven a kovetkezo jaratig, igy elkolbaszoltunk a repteren par orat.
Viszont amiert nem a spanyolokat fogom valasztani ezentul, az a szemelyzet a repulon. Szerintem kicsit durvak es udvariatlanok, en szemely szerint nem ereztem jol magam veluk. Es az ulesek is tul kozel voltak egymashoz.

Air France - Parizson keresztul: Innen mar gyerekkel utaztunk, es sajnos azt kell mondjam, a repter merete es a tomeg eleg riaszto, igy azutan, ha lehetett, nem ezt a legitarsasagot valasztottuk (raadasul 2009 ota az Air France egy rossz omen lett sok brazil szamara, tudom, nem kellene, de ez van...). A szemelyzet amugy nagyon kedves volt.

KLM - Amszterdamon keresztul: Kabe ugyanaz mint Parizs, nagyon nagy repter, sok-sok gyaloglas a terminalok kozott, igy ha lehetett utana mar kisebb repteret valasztottunk. A szemelyzet itt is kedves volt.

Swiss Air - Zurichen keresztul: Top 1. Mind tavolsagban, mind a repter merete, mind a szemelyzet. Az egyik legnyugisabb atszallasunk itt volt, nagyon nyugodt es kicsit ures volt a terminal, de ez nalam pozitiv. Ja, es arban a Swiss Air mindig alatta van a tobbi legitarsasagnak.

Tap Portugal - Lisszabonon keresztul: Top 2. Hasonlo a zurichi-hez, nagyon nyugodt repter, kedves szemelyzet, ha meg utaznek, vagy veluk, vagy a Swiss. Es a szemlyzet persze portugalul beszel :-)

Alitalia - Roman keresztul: Ez Eclezio tapasztalata, nem az enyem, de kabe az volt a jellemzo ra, mint az Iberia-ra. Szuk ulesek, udvariatlan szemelyzet. O sem akart tobbet az olaszokkal utazni. 

TAM (Brazilian Airlines) - kozvetlen jarat Londonbol: Eleve, hogy kozvetlen jarat, igy a repter adott (Heathrow). Remelem jo lesz, ez az elso kozvetlen jarat amivel utazom, Eclezio meg volt elegedve veluk. Persze kozos nyelv, meg minden...:-)


The other day when I was travelling home with my colleague on the train, we started to talk about Brazil and she raised so many questions regarding how to get to Brazil, what about cuisine, customs and prices that it gave me the idea to write some posts about these subjects as well - strictly based on my own experience.
So, in this post I am writing about travelling to Brazil from Europe (or more precisely, from London) and my opininion about the airports, flights and assistance on the board.

First of all, maybe needles to say, picking up the flight is mainly based on the one`s budget, whether it is going to be a direct flight or a flight with one (or more) connections. So far we chose flights with one connection only however I know people who changed flights more than once just to save on costs. It also counts if we travel with or without child(ren).

Tickets can be booked directly on the flight company`s website, however good deals can be easier reached through travel agencies. They always have good promotions, mainly if the date of travelling is flexible and if it is not a last minute booking (although never know).
I am personally very satisfied with Bravo Travel in London, those guys are really supportive and saved us a wad of cash on booking.

It is my personal experience but I think I need to mention the size and crowdedness of the airports: it is because most of the people are a bit stressed during travelling (at least me) and it does count how much you have to walk between the terminals mainly if you travel with child. For example Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris or Schipol in Amsterdam are definitely not my cup of tea considering the 20-30min walking between the check-ins and the gates. Of course it also depends on circumstances, whether you have enough time between two connections or you want shopping or not etc...I prefer calm environment before taking an 11 hours flight.
I would also mention the crew on board - it is really subjective but I have different memories with each flight.

So! Let`s see now the flight companies, departing from London via following cities:

Iberia - through Madrid: Overall negative. Size of the airport is okay, not very small however at that time we had plenty of time until the next flight so we were wandering all over the airport and did some shopping. I found the crew on board a bit rude and impolite so it was enough experience for good. Seats were quite tight as well, I have to say.

Air France - through Paris: We travelled from here with a child so no way that I would cross this airport again while Caio is under 14. Airport is enormous, distance between check-in and gates is at least 40min walk, hence if there are other options, I would choose that ones. 
Cabin crew was really kind and polite by the way.

KLM - through Amsterdam. Kind of same as Paris, the airport is huge so lots of walking. Since there are other flight companies that depart from a smaller airport, I fly with them. Cabin crew was kind as well.

Swiss Air - through Zurich: My Top1! Airport is okay, very calm and relaxing, the best departure so far. Cabin staff were really elegant and polite, I liked flying with Swiss. Also, at that time ticket prices by Swiss were always below of the competitors. 

Tap Portugal - through Lisboa: My Top2! Just like in Zurich, the airport was not very crowded and it was pretty easy to change flight. Crew on board were kind and obviously spoke in Portuguese:-) Good size of seats (ahhh, still not business class though!) and the meal was good as well.

Alitalia: I have never flown with them, but Eclezio. Similar to Iberia, he said, he would prefer to avoid this company going forward. Impolite crew, very very tight seats and bad atmosphere. Nope.

TAM (Brazilian Airline): the first direct flight on the list! and such, the airport is Heathrow. This is gonna be the fist time I fly with direct flight and I am very excited about it. Eclezio was satisfied with them, good seats, good meal and good chat - of course, they are Brazilian!! :-)

That`s all folks. The ball is on your side now.

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