1 honap es indulas!! Nagyon varom mar, a heten rendeltem meg a ket nagy bohom borondot amibe majd minden fontos vagy fontosnak tuno dolgot beleszuszakolok. Kihasznalva, hogy Caio majdnem mint teljes aru utas foglal helyet a repulon, osszesen 2 borondot es egy behemot sport taskat viszek amibe remelhetoleg belefer majd minden ami kell.
Caio ugy tunik meg kihasznalja a lehetoseget egy kis betegsegre itt, a heten bekapott egy virust es mar napok ota lazas. Ez az a tipikus 2 hetes cucc, igy valoszinu, hogy a tavaszi szunet elott mar nem is megy vissza az iskolaba.
Meg igy betegen sem konnyu ot lekotni egesz nap, foleg ugy, hogy a jatekai nagy resze mar regen utban van egy hajon Santos fele, az esteket viszont alig varja, mikor Skype-olhat vagy Eclezioval, vagy az unokatesojaval, Lydhia-val. Amikor Eclezio van soron, akkor altalaban kozosen, Eclezio, Caio es Mateus (masik unokateso) racsatlakoznak online a Minecraft-ra es egyutt jatszanak, ez neha par oras programot jelent, mire bebarangoljak az aznapi Minecraft World-ot.
En meg pontosan 3 hetig zotykolodom a vonaton Weybridge-be, es utom a billentyuket napkozben (peldaul munkaidomet es az iroda monoton zsivajat kihasznalva irom a blogom – erre otthon alig van idom, foleg, hogy Caio is folyton ott nyuzsog). Az utolso napom aprilis 17-e, aznap egy kozos ebeddel bucsuzunk en, es egy masik kolleganom. Sokan elmennek a cegtol juniusig bezarolag, foleg a koltozes miatt van akinek a megnovekedett tavolsag nem jon be, masreszt nehany kolleganak megszunik a pozicioja is.
Az itteni felhos napokat es ahhoz kapcsolodo nyomott hangulatot eluzendo utazos blogokat olvasgatok, most eppen az alabbiakat:
Eclezio tovabbra is rajta van a munkakeresesen es interjukra jar, most eppen valaszra var az egyik cegtol, remelem ez nem olyan 1-2 honapos varakozast jelent megint mint oly sokmindenre Braziliaban.
Addig is vallalta, hogy angolt tanit baratoknak, ismerosoknek, illetve egy nyelviskola is erdeklodott, hogy tudna-e naluk orat adni. (ez irant amugy en is erdeklodom, marmint a nyelvsuliban valo tanitas irant, mert persze, persze, pengen fogok am portugalul beszelni egy ido utan, csak megis jo lenne a tudat, hogy az angolommal is esetleg hasznossa tudnam magam tenni legalabb a kezdet kezdeten).
Eclezionak eppen tegnap volt a szulinapja es egesz nap se kep se hang senkitol, majd este 8 korul csengettek es ott allt a batyja es annak csaladja egy tortaval, nagyon orult nekik. Csokitortat sutott Simone, kar, hogy Caio nem volt ott, biztosan o ette volna meg a felet J
Ma pedig 7. hazassagi evfordulonk van, huuuuuu J
One month to go! I cannot wait, really, I would like to get rid of all of the furniture already out of the flat, fill in the suitcases with our stuff and just head to the airport. I recently ordered two huge suitcases and taking the opportunity that Caio and I are allowed to take 4 luggages, 32kgs each, I will use those two “hugie” and one more large sport bag for our very important and less important but nice-to-have things.
It seems Caio grabbed the last chance to be sick in UK – he has been having fever in the last couple of days; he got that type of virus when recovery takes for at least a week or so, so it’s unlikely that he will be back to school before half term.
It is not easy to entertain him mainly that he cannot go out and most of his toys are on their way to Brazil. They are now somewhere on the Pacific on a ship as our shipment is scheduled to arrive at the end of April in Santos.
Since day time at home is a bit boring for him now, he looks forward the evenings when he can chat with his cousin Lydhia or with Eclezio on Skype. When Eclezio has time, he, Mateus (Caio`s other cousin) and Caio play together online with Minecraft. It takes sometimes 1-2 hours to discover the actual Minecraft World so they have fun for long time.
Three weeks left at my workplace and only for 10 times I have to get the 6am train from Waterloo. I am counting the weeks, the days and the hours already. My last day is on 17th April and a lunch is organized for me and another colleague who leaves on the same day. Many people leave the company by June end, it is due to the distance from/to Weybridge, or reorganizational change or some of them just take this opportunity to find new challenges or open a new chapter in their career.
Eclezio still continuous his job searching. He is over of some interviews and expecting a feedback from one of the companies – hope, it won`t take for them to give an answer for 1-2 months!! Meanwhile he agreed with some of his friends that he would teach them English and he is in discussion with a language school to participate as a teacher. Actually, I am interested as well regarding teaching in a language school as although I am aware of that my Portuguese will be just perfect soon (haha) but at the beginning I would feel a bit more comfortable if I could use a language I actually speak in…LOL
Yesterday was Eclezio`s birthday and no one mentioned a word about it to him all day then at 8pm his brother popped in with his whole family bringing a home-made chocolate cake with cherries on the top and number candles. It`s a pity that Caio was not there; he must have eaten the half of the cake.
And today, tadammm, is our 7th years wedding anniversary. Woow.
(Lydhia and Caio)
Minecraft vilag / Minecraft World
Az en vilagom az irodaban / My world in the office
Egy kis kod az autopalyan Santos es Sao Paulo kozott / A little bit of fog between Santos and SP
Dugo, meg jo, hogy motorral ment / Traffic jam - this time riding a motorcycle is an advantage
Szulinap! / Bday!!
(Balrol: Fatima, az anyosom, Eclezio, Simone a sogornom es Mel az egyik uncsiteso)
(From left: Fatima, my mother-in-law, Eclezio, Simone, my sister-in-law, Mel, Caio`s cousin)