

2016. február 4., csütörtök

Elkezdodott az uj tanev...New school year has started...

Februar elsejen (hetfon) Caio elkezdte a masodik osztalyt, amit most egy egesz hetig elvezhet, ugyanis jovo heten - szunet! 
Iden a karneval februar masodik hetere esik, es ilyenkor egy egesz het iskolai szunet van. Abban az esetben, ha a karneval a honap elso hetere esne, akkor persze csak a karnevali het utan kezdodik a tanitas. Az idopont ugyanis folyton valtozik, mivel a karneval - kereszteny unnep leven - 51 nappal husvet elott kezdodik es hamvazoszerdan er veget, szimbolizalva az utolso lehetoseget az unneplesre es evesre-ivasra a nagybojt kezdete elott. 

Caio tehat elkezdte az iskolat es annak ellenere, hogy tavaly jol beijesztettek minket az idojarassal, marmint hogy a december-januar-februar elviselhetetlenul meleg itt, ugy tunik iden szerencsenk van, mert a szokasos harmincegy-valahany fok fole meg nem kuszott a homero. A december es a januar kifejezetten esos volt, de nem volt forrosag. 
Csak az utobbi egy-ket hetben lett melegebb, eso nelkul, igy azert delben nem tul szerencses a napon tartozkodni, bar a helyieket ez sem gatolja meg abban, hogy hosszu sztreccs farmert es zart felsot viseljenek.

Azert en Caiot nem oltoztetem fel ennyire, ugyhogy marad a szellos polos es rovidnadragos egyenruha meg jo par hetig (honapig). 
A gyerekek az elso napon meg nem vetettek bele magukat az ujabb tudomanyokba, inkabb csak jatszottak, uzsonnaidoben pedig kaptak jegkremet. Erkezeskor a tanarnenik mindenkit jol megolelgettek es ezer puszit kiosztottak, igy ismet meg volt alapozva a brazil baratsagos hangulat.
Most penteken az iskola is karnevali hangulatba kerul es lehet majd jelmezt viselni (de peldaul szornynek tilos feloltozni, vagy festett arccal menni, ahogy azt a tajekoztatoban elore jeleztek). 


New school year started on Monday, 1st of February. Caio goes to school for a whole week, then another holiday(!) starts.
This year Carnival begins on the second week of February and during this time schools are closed for one week. Most of the people are on holiday too (who didn`t take days out during Christmas)  
In case Carnival starts on the first week of February, school year would begin just after that. The time of Carnival season always changes as being a Christian feast, it starts 51 days before Easter and ends one day before Ash Wednesday. It is marked the last opportunity to celebrate and make use of special foods before Lent.

So, Caio started Year 2 yesterday, and despite the fact that this period of the year is usually predicted unbearably hot and humid it seems this time we are lucky as the temperature is just over 30 degrees without significant rain and hence humidity is okay too.
Of course, for me it still means that days are enough hot to wear light clothing unlike many local people here who wear stretchy jeans and long sleeve shirts even in the hottest time of the day too.

Fortunately Caio can wear light shirt and short usually as part of his school uniform. The first day at school was relatively free, kids were mostly playing and got ice-cream for snack. Teachers were welcoming the children with lots of kisses and hugs and the atmosphere was really good. 
This Friday they will also celebrate Carnival and children are allowed to wear fancy dress but monster style and painted face are prohibited as I read on the leaflet from the school.

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