A rossz hirt, miszerint Eclezio es en nem vagyunk oda fociert, mar az egyik elozo posztomban kifejtettem, de ez a kozony a labdarugas irant termeszetesen nem zarja ki azt, hogy ettol meg mind a ketten elismerjuk a tehetseges focistakat (bar a fizetesuk jelenlegi mertekevel en nemileg vitatkoznek) es a szupertehetsegek nemzeti hose valo avanzsalasat.
Ha mar ugy esett a sors, hogy Brazilian belul pont Santosban kotottem ki, igy evidens volt, hogy a Pele muzeum egyike lesz a kotelezo programoknak, es kihasznalva a mult heten esobe fordulo idojarast, el is latogattunk oda vasarnap delutan.
A muzeumot 2012-ben nyitottak meg egy mostanra felujitott regi, meg a gyarmati idokbol szarmazo epuletben, nem messze a kikototol.
A muzeum harom reszre oszlik, a jobboldali szarny mutatja be Pele eletet es karrierjet, valamint itt kapnak helyet a kulonbozo egyeb kiallitasok, a baloldali szarny egy interaktiv terem, mig kozepen kavezo es ajandekbolt talalhato.
A Pele eletet es karrierjet bemutato szarny szisztematikusan vegigvezeti a latogatot kezdve a korai gyermekkort bemutato archive kepekkel, majd a fiatal focistarol, aki 16 evesen igazolt le a Santos FC-hez. Ereklyek, ermek, trofeak, minden, amire a brazilok buszkek Pelevel kapcsolatban.
A tobbi emelet valogatottkent, a vilagbajnoksagokon elert eredmenyeit veszi sorra es itt talalhato a focista viaszbol ontott szobra is. Pele negy vilagbajnoksagon szerepelt, es ebbol harmat nyert meg Brazilia: 1958-ban, `62-ben es `70-ben.
Pele egyebkent nem Santos-ban szuletett, hanem egy Tres Corasoes (Harom sziv) nevu varosban Minas Gerais allamban es Bauruban, Sao Paulo allamban nott fel egy meglehetosen szegeny csalad gyermekekent.
Teljes neve Edson Arantes do Nascimento, a "Pele" nev (allitolag) kisiskolaskent ragadt ra, miutan rosszul ejtette ki akkori kedvenc csapata kapusanak, "Bile"-nek a nevet.
A szegeny csaladi korulmenyek es az aktivan futballozo apukaval a hatterben hamar a gyerek szenvedelyeve valt a foci. Az apukaja, Dondinho, igeretes kozepcsatar volt, de egy serules derekba torte a karrierjet eppen ezert Pele szulei nem tekintettek a focira, mint biztos megelhetesi forrasra.
Ennek ellenere Pelet mar nem lehetett eltantoritani a focizastol, elt-halt a jatekert es szamos amator csapatban valo jatek utan 15 evesen kerult a Santos FC-hez, ahol viszont meccsenkent mar jo kis penzt kapott.
A tobbi pedig mar tortenelem...
Despite the fact, that we are not really a football fan with Eclezio (as I already wrote in one of the previous posts) but certainly we respect talent and talented football players (personally I have concern only about the recently overpriced players but business is business).
Since it was my destiny to come to Brazil and live in Santos it was evident that one day we will visit Museu Pele, or the Pele Museum.
The museum was opened in 2012 and it is located in the scenic old town ofSantos
across from the old Train Station and a few blocks from the Coffee Museum . In the restored
colonial four-story museum which has been well done, the display traces the
life and achievements of Pele from his early life until his last world soccer
One wing explains Pele's life and achievements and the other wing is "interactive" where you'll be challenged to beat Pele's scoring, dribbling and running feats.
The museum spreads over 4 floors accessible by steps or slopes. Early life and career of Pele is shown on the ground floor, while the other floors give room for his World Cup achievements and a human-size Pele statue. He played in four FIFA World Championships in whichBrazil won
three trophies in 1958, 1962 and in 1970.
Very interesting place to visit to all football fans of a certain age. Well laid out and very spacious, and I certainly learnt a lot about Pele's footballing career.
Pele was born in a city called Tres Coracoes (Three Hearts) in Minas Gerais state but grew up inBauru , in the state of Sao Paulo . He was from a very poor family and
this background, in addition to his father, who was an active football player
himself too, the little boy fell in love with football very early. His father
was a promising centre-forward but his career was broken by injury. Due to this the
family realized that this sport could not make their living and so they opposed
to their son to choose this path but to no avail; Pele was born to be a
football player. He adored playing and considered football as religion.
He received the nickname "Pelé" during his school days, because of his pronunciation of the name of his favorite player, local goalkeeper "Bilé", which he misspoke but the more he complained the more it stuck.
Pele began to play for Santos FC at the age of 15 and the Brazilian national football team at 16 and winning matches paid him good money finally.
And the rest is history...
Since it was my destiny to come to Brazil and live in Santos it was evident that one day we will visit Museu Pele, or the Pele Museum.
The museum was opened in 2012 and it is located in the scenic old town of
One wing explains Pele's life and achievements and the other wing is "interactive" where you'll be challenged to beat Pele's scoring, dribbling and running feats.
The museum spreads over 4 floors accessible by steps or slopes. Early life and career of Pele is shown on the ground floor, while the other floors give room for his World Cup achievements and a human-size Pele statue. He played in four FIFA World Championships in which
Very interesting place to visit to all football fans of a certain age. Well laid out and very spacious, and I certainly learnt a lot about Pele's footballing career.
Pele was born in a city called Tres Coracoes (Three Hearts) in Minas Gerais state but grew up in
He received the nickname "Pelé" during his school days, because of his pronunciation of the name of his favorite player, local goalkeeper "Bilé", which he misspoke but the more he complained the more it stuck.
Pele began to play for Santos FC at the age of 15 and the Brazilian national football team at 16 and winning matches paid him good money finally.
And the rest is history...
a muzeum epulete kivulrol.../ the museum building from the inside...
...es a belulrol / ...and the interior
korai gyermekkor es Pele karrierjenek kezdete / early childhood and beginning of his career
Pele relikviak / Personal things
sorkoteles katonai szolgalat 1959-ben / he did his military service in 1959
testnevelsbol szerzett diplomat / He was graduated in Physical education
az ezredik gol / the thousandth goal...
osszesen kozel 1300 golt lott karrierje soran / he scored almost 1,300 goals during his career
vilagbajnoksag, Svedorszag, 1958. Brazilia-Svedorszag 5:2
FIFA World Cup, Sweden, in 1958. Brazil-Sweden 5:2
vilagbajnoksag, Chile, 1962. Brazilia-Csehszlovakia 3:1
FIFA World Cup, Chile, in 1962. Brazil-Czechoslovakia 3:1
vilagbajnoksag, Mexico, 1970. Brazilia-Olaszorszag 4:1
FIFA World Cup, Mexico, in 1970. Brazil-Italy 4:1
harom generacio: nagyapa, unoka, fiu /
three generations in football: granddad, grandson and father
szinten a Santos FC-ben kezdte: Neymar Jr. /
also started his career at Santos FC: Neymar Jr.
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