Braziliaban oktober 12-en unneplik a gyerekeket es mivel ez a nap unnepnap, igy aznap Caionak tanitasi szunete volt.
Mivel ez a tanitasi szunet most eppen hetfore esett, igy az azt megelozo penteken tartottak a gyermeknapot az iskolaban es ez alkalombol iskolai sportnapot rendezett a Vertex. Sportnapnak hivtak, de inkabb szabadfoglalkozast, jatekot es bufet ertettek ezalatt. Nagyon szeretik az elo csocso jatekot, amikor a focipalyan a gyerekek a babuk, es egy kifeszitett kotel menten rughatjak csak a labdat. Ez majdnem minden, az iskola altal szervezett esemenyen szerepel es aki akar, beallhat csocsozni. A bufe a szokasos edessegeken felul
(a szokasos) coxinat, sult krumplit es pastelt tartalmazta es kulon lehetett vasarolni belole.
Otthon mi nem csaptunk nagy unnepseget a gyereknap korul (eppenseggel pont aznap mentunk Holambraba), meg en nem is vagyok tul jo gyerekprogram-szervezo, igy Caio ajandeknak egy jojo-t kapott (mert azt kert), illetve medenceztunk egy egesz napon keresztul. Nap vegere sikerult is kilyukasztani az uszogumijat, de akkor mar ugyis hazamenoben voltunk.
Nemsokara mar olyan nagyon-nagyon meleg lesz itt, hogy az iskola is feltolti a medencejet es akkor kezdetet veheti az uszasoktatas, amit Caio mar nagyon var.
In Brazil 12th October is Children`s day and school is closed on that day. Since this year Children`s day was on Monday, on the previous Friday the school organized sports day for the kids that included not only sport activities but other games and buffet food. The usual was served: coxinha, pastel, fried potato and sweets.
Human table football (table soccer) was also played on the football field, which is very popular activity here; this life-sized human soccer is played at most of the school events.
Regarding our own children`s day celebration, since I am not very good at organizing kids` activities, basically we spent a whole day at the swimming pools so Caio could consume all of his tremendous energy at one place. He also got a yo-yo, as per his wish.
Soon it will be really hot here and the swimming pool at Caio`s school will be opened for the kids to take swimming lessons. Since Caio is crazy for water I cannot imagine better activity for him for sure, mainly during school time.
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