Tudo bem?, azaz Hogy vagy, minden rendben? Ez egy udvozlomondat csupan, mint az angolban a "How are you?" vagy a franciaban a "Ca va?", nem a tenyleges hogylet feloli erdeklodesre iranyul.
A minap valaki megdicsert, hogy ahhoz kepest, hogy csak 3 hete vagyok Braziliaban milyen szepen beszelek portugalul. Egyem meg a szived, kedves draga helyi lakos, hogy igy batoritasz.:-) A dolog ugyanis ugy all, hogy per pillanat sokkal tobbet ertek, mint amennyit el tudok mondani, es egyelore meg csak az ezerrel bologatas, egyetertes, egyutt nevetes, egyutt szornyulkodes, egyutt megdobbenes stb...allapota forog fenn, aztan mikor nekem is hozza kellene adnom valamit a parbeszedhez, haaat akkor..."szo bennszakad, hang fennakad, lehellet megszegik" - csak, hogy klasszikust idezzek.
Ilyenkor az info ugyan eljut az agyamig, de nem konnyu azt pillanatok alatt feldolgozni, valaszt kitalalni hozza, es azt eloadni az osszes ragozando/nem ragozando igevel, nonemu vagy himnemu fonevet, melleknevet illeszteni hozza es lehetoleg a sorrendiseg is rendben legyen hely- es idohatarozok szempontjabol.
Meg amikor kerdest kapok hajlamos vagyok egy szoval valaszolni es mar hallom is a hatterben a kepzeletbeli tanar hangja, hogy "Egesz mondatban kernem a valaszt!". Jo, jo, oke, ez a vonat megint elment, majd legkozelebb...
Persze van nekem mar gyakorlatom ebben, mas nyelvvel is vegigjatszottam ezt mar es most a konstant deja vu erzes megy, hogy hehehe ugyanigy kinlodtam angolul is anno sok -sok evvel ezelott, ugyanugy bennfagyott az osszes szo mikor pedig ki kellett volna jonniuk es lam-lam, par ev alatt milyen magabiztos lettem es mit nekem sussex-i, meg essexi- meg cockney meg indiai akcentus.
Az viszont mindig eszembe jut, hogy azok, akik nem tanulnak, vagy soha nem tanultak nyelveket mennyi mindent veszitenek, milyen sok erdekessegtol fosztjak meg magukat, mennyi informaciot veszitenek, es mennyivel kevesebb lehetoseguk van mas kulturak megismeresere.
En nagyon halas vagyok a sorsnak, hogy nemcsak a nyelvtanulas, de az utazgatas, es kulonbozo orszagokban valo eles is lehetove valt szamomra, es egy cseppet sem banom, hogy egy-egy orszagvaltas neha aldozattal jar, mert az ujfajta elmenyek a tobbszoroset adjak mindig vissza a kezdeti nehezsegeknek.
Tudo bem? which means "How are you?" And the answer is "Tudo". No more, no less. Then the conversation can start.
The other day I got a compliment that considering that I had been to Brazil only for 3 weeks, my Portuguese was pretty good. My dearest local person, I really appreciate the encouragement in such a kind way.
The thing is that at the moment I understand more than what I am able to say or express. Hence, I kind of agree or disagree, being happy or sad, laugh or cry with the person I have conversation with. Sim, sim, nao nao...Also, when I get a question, I tend to answer with one word (while already hearing an imaginary teacher`s voice in the background: No, please say it in FULL sentence!!) Ahh, okay...next time.
I almost hear the hard work of the "processors" in my brain how they try to understand the info then create an answer which is grammatically more or less correct, conjugating the verbs, adding appropriate nouns (feminine or masculine) then fit the adjectives in the same way. Not easy at all. Apart from Russian language I studied for few years when I was a child this is the second time I have to conjugate verbs and coordinate nouns with adjectives. But I am learning, slowly but surely.
I have some experience of learning languages of course. I had the same hard-driving with English too when finally I had enough knowledge to be able to speak. I am not very good at speaking, much better in writing. So now I have this constant "deja vu" feeling from that time when I arrived to England and I had to use my English Live...I remember those suffering times sometimes with local dialects and accents and when I had so many things to say but somehow the words were just stuck inside...
Anyhow, after a while I got used to it and I no more problem with dialects from Essex, Sussex, or from India...
It often comes to my mind that people who never had chance or never were interested in learning languages, how many things they miss, depriving themselves of lots of interesting things and information and loose the opportunity of learning about other cultures and people.
I am so grateful that I had chance to see and be a part of different cultures and never regret to change countries. Despite of the difficulties and sacrificing my comfort for a certain period new experiences always paid back the price and gave me a more complete picture of the planet where we, people are living right now.
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