Ebben a honapban egy kellemes, romantikus zenet ajanlok, Odair Jose-tol, a szam cime Hianyzol.
Odair Jose: Que Saudade de Você
Amikor az ember meg csak ismerkedik egy kulturaval, amig csak a felszint latja, es meg nem szippantja be egy orszagnak a problemakkal teli masik oldala is, addig azok a filmeket amelyek a favellak (vagy masneven nyomornegyedek) vilagat dolgozzak fel inkabb erdekesnek tunnek mint ijesztonek. Az ember megnezi, aztan megy tovabb, es eli a mindennapjait a fejlett Nyugat-Europaban.
En is megneztem az ilyen tipusu filmeket, elsosorban persze kivancsisagbol de amig nem latogattam el Braziliaba, addig ezek a tortenetek olyan tavolinak tuntek, es azzal, hogy vege lett a filmnek, ki is roppent a fejembol.
Aztan az elso utazas soran gyomron vagott a valosag, es hogy ez is az ottani elet resze, es igenis mindennapi problemarol van szo, megha nem is annyira durva a helyzet mint a filmben, de megis...
Egy europainak, akinek persze a favellak vilaga csak egy tavoli dolog, akihez a szegenyseg es az ahhoz kapcsolodo bunozes maximum csak az ujsagokbol jut el, annak elsore eleg utos az ottani helyzet, es kell ido amig megemeszti a latottakat. Viszont Brazilianak van egy olyan baja, az emberek annyira kedvesek (es az idojaras annyira jo) hogy egy ido utan en is biztosan megprobalok majd tul lepni ezeken a dolgokon es a sajat mikro kornyezetemre koncentralni, mint oly sok ember. Remelem, igy lesz.
Az alabbi filmeket megneztem, aztan egy ido utan megbantam, hogy megneztem, de mostmar mindegy...mindegyik film Rio de Janiero nyomornegyedenek szegenyek lakta utcain zajlik.
City of God (Cidade de Deus) - Isten varosa
Az Isten varosa ket kulonbozo utat bejáró fiu utjat koveti nyomon 15 even at, a hatvanas evek vegetol a nyolcvanas evek elejeig. Az egyikbol fotos lesz, a masikbol drogdiler. A film rovid tortenetek sorozatan keresztul mutatja be eletutjukat, melyekbol sokszor igen rovidre sikeredett sorsok rajzolodnak ki. Az Isten varosa foszereploje nem egy szemely, hanem egy hely. Maga az Isten varosa egy hatvanas evekben elkezdett, szegenyeknek epult lakotelep, amely a nyolcvanas evek elejére Rio de Janeiro egyik legveszelyesebb varosreszeve valt.
City of Men (Cidade dos Homens) - Ferfiak varosa
A City of Men is hasonlo temat dolgoz fel mint az Isten varosa de ez egy Braziliban futott sorozat filmvaltozata es amely az Isten varosa cimu film utan lett nemzetkozi siker.
Elite Squad (Tropa de Elite) 1-2 - Elit halalosztok 1-2. resz
Az Elit halalosztok cimu film ket gyerekkori jo barat tortenete, akik ugy dontenek, hogy csatlakoznak a Rio De Jainero-ban mukodo katonai rendorseg alakulatahoz. Miután mindketten hamar belerázódnak a kemeny mindennapokba, egy specialis alakulat letrehozasaba fognak, hogy a helyi kábítószer kereskedők meregfogait kihuzzak. Tervük veghezvitele sokkal nehezebb, mint gondolnak - rengeteg eletveszelyes helyzetbol kell kimászniuk, hogy felszamolják a maffia orokosen ujjaformalodo halozatat.
Errol a rendori alakulatrol, ami a rio favellakban mukodo droghalozatok felszamolasat tuzte ki celul, szol az alabbi blogbejegyzes is:
Bus 174
A BUS 174 egy rio-i buszmerenylet alapos felterkepezese a rendelkezesre allo anyagok interjuk es hivatalos dokumentumok alapjan. A film ket párhuzamos tortenetet mesel el. Nemcsak a merenylet dramai kepeit mutatja be, hanem elmondja az egyik merenylo meghokkento elettortenetet is, azt, hogy hogyan valik egy rio-i utcagyerek veszelyes bunozove a tarsadalmi elnyomás hatasara.
Music of this month is a romantic song from Odair Jose. The title of this song: I miss you.
Odair Jose: Que Saudade de Você
The first time when you get closer to a culture which was pretty unknown to you before and start to see beyond the turist attractions, that is the time when you can actually see where and how people live in that country. What wealth or poverty really mean in that society and you can start seeing behind the news, and understand how the country is struggling under unsolved social problems.
Poverty in that meaning of "poverty out of Europe" is a thing that you can see and feel only if you visit those countries where it is actually a burning problem of the everydays.
Some years ago I watched some of the movies about favellas in Rio; at that time I didn`t know much about the country so I was just curious about everything. I watched them then life was going on as usual. The reality hit me only when I visited Brazil first time and it was shocking to see poverty on that level in and around the cities. It was just painful for the eyes to see people in such circumstances as the contrast was too big comparing clean and tidy streets of London with some of the cities in Brazil. After a while and after several visits, I got used to it a bit and could see that people were relatively positive despite of all of their difficulties in life (sunshine helps a lot to be positve, eh?) and altough I still think that it is heartbreaking to see those places but I am just fine with it. I try to avoid watching again movies about this side of the world and listen less news about corruption and crime.
City of God (Cidade de Deus)
It is a crime drama film. It depicts the growth of organized crime in the Cidade de Deus suburb of Rio de Janeiro, between the end of the 1960s and the beginning of the 1980s, with the closure of the film depicting the war between the drug dealer Li'l Zé and vigilante-turned-criminal Knockout Ned. The tagline is "If you run, the beast catches you; if you stay, the beast eats you", a proverb analogous to the English "Damned if you do, damned if you don't".
City of Men (Cidade dos Homens)
It is a film version of the TV series City of Men that ran for four seasons in Brazil, and which followed the international success of the film City of God.
Elite Squad (Tropa de Elite) 1-2
The film is a semi-fictional account of the Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais (BOPE), the Special Police Operations Squad of the Rio de Janeiro Military Police, analogous to the American SWAT teams.
Captain Roberto Nascimento (Wagner Moura) narrates the film, briefly explaining how the police and the drug lords of Rio de Janeiro cooperate with each other (policemen collect periodic bribes and drug lords are left free to operate) in the 90's.
Bus 174
It is documentary film released on October 22, 2002. Sandro do Nascimento, a young man from a poor background, held passengers on a bus hostage for four hours. The event was caught live on television. The movie examines the incident and what life is like in the slums and favelas of Rio de Janeiro and how the criminal justice system in Brazil treats the lower classes. Within the film, the director José Padilha interviews former and current street children, members of the Rio police force, the Rio BOPE police team, family members, and sociologists in order to gain insight into what led Nascimento to carry out the hijacking.
City of God (Cidade de Deus) - Isten varosa
City of Men (Cidade dos Homens) - Ferfiak varosa
Elite Squad (Tropa de Elite) 1-2 - Elit halalosztok 1-2. resz
Bus 174
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