Mar tobb, mint egy honapja vagyunk itt, es en meg mindig az idojarasnal vagyok leragadva...mar ugy ertem, hogy meg mindig ez az elso szamu dolog ami annyira boldogga tesz minden nap s a tobbi csak ezutan kovetkezik. Kicsit olyan ez, mint a fogyokura, amikor az ember szervezete sokaig nem kapja meg azokat az edessegeket vagy finom kaloriadus etkeket amiket annyira szeret (es kivan), de aztan engedelyez maganak egy "logos" napot amikor azt ehet amit akar es akkor minden egyebkent tiltott etelnek mennyei ize van.
Na, most kabe igy erzem magam en is, annyi huvos es szeles ev utan most csak ugy issza a borom a meleget, reggel is, delben is es este is, es meg a neha elofordulo felhos napok sem tudjak elvenni a kedvem, mert a meleg levego teljesen feltolt energiaval.
A reggelek altalaban naposak, a kavemat ilyenkor a napon szoktam meginni, bar egyszer sikerult egy fel oras kavezas utan leegnie az arcomnak, ugyhogy azert az UV sugarakkal nem art vigyazni.
Meleg orszagok sajatja, hogy mas az eletritmus is. Itt az emberek este sokaig fenn vannak, meg akkor is ha masnap koran mennek dolgozni. Ez vonatkozik a gyerekekre is, sokszor este 11-kor er veget egy-egy csaladlatogatas - hetkoznap. Hetvegen van az ejjel 1 ora is...
Pedig hetkoznap a gyerekek eleg koran jarnak iskolaba, fel 8-kor mar kezdodik az elso ora, igaz, delben el is jonnek. Aztan a legtobben delutan alszanak egyet, utana pedig este kesoig porognek megint.
A felnottek - a delutani alvast kihagyva - is keson kerulnek agyba, szamtalanszor van ugy, hogy este 10 utan kezdenek szallingozni a rokonok Eclezio szulei hazaba egy kis csevejre, utban hazafele a templombol. Tehat tok felesleges este 9-kor pizsibe vagnunk magunkat es alvashoz keszulodni, mert akkor meg boven beeshet egy-ket latogato. Ha unokatesok is jonnek, akkor a rohangaszastol a gyerek ugyis leizzad, tehat mehet megint tusolni.
Caionak osszesen ot unokatestvere van. Harom itt, Braziliaban, ketto pedig Magyarorszagon. Az itteniek kozul Lydiaval (8 eves) tud a legtobbet jatszani, es talalkoznak is majdnem minden nap. O Eclezio occsenek a kislanya. Eclezio kozepso fiu, a batyjanak ket gyerkoce van, Mel (10 eves) es Mateus (14). A gyerekek nagyon jol kijonnek egymassal, es amikor osszejonnek, megy a hancur ezerrel. Koranal fogva Mateus-t ugye mar annyira nem kotik le a gyerekek, de peldaul egesz jol elukuleleznek Caioval, vagy ha szamitogepes jatekrol van szo, akkor abba o is szivesen beszall
Amig Eclezio szuleinek a hazaban vendegeskedunk, addig a zenerajongo es decibelfuggo szomszedok "forever party" hangulatat elvezzuk mi is, ugyanis mindig akad olyan az utcaban akinel csak a csutkara csavart muzsika jelenti ezt az eleterzest. Ha valamit el lehet mondani egy brazil falurol, akkor az az, hogy itt minden van, csak csond nincs (ami nem feltetlenul baj, en szeretem ha mindig van egy kis hatterzaj). Vagy a zene szol, vagy a motorosok huznak el szazzal a haz elott, vagy az egyik szomszed kiabal at a masiknak ahelyett, hogy odaballagna inkabb hozza, vagy reklamauto halad lassan utcarol utcara, nem kis hangszoron dorgetve az aktualis kinalatot.
Nemsokara egyebkent tovabb is koltozunk innen, es lakast berelunk majd benn a varosban. Papirok mar alairva, a heten kapjuk meg a kulcsokat. A lakasberles meneterol a kovetkezo posztban irok reszletesebben, most nehany kep a falurol.
We have been here for more than a month now and I am still amazed by the weather. After so many cold and windy years in UK I enjoy every single sun ray on my skin and the constant warmth of the air. Even if there are cloudy and rainy days sometimes, it is different now as I know that the next day or the day after will be sunny and hot again.
I have my morning coffee outside under the sun everyday and it is one of the most relaxing time of the day for sure. I have to be careful with UV rays though; the other day, after half an hour my face got sunburned and it was really red for a couple of days.
Different life rhythm is typical in hot countries. Even tough people start working early in the morning, they go to sleep quite late including children as well despite the fact that classes start here at 7.30am. It is common that family visits end after 11pm - on weekdays. During the weekends guests leave home sometimes after midnight or so. Kids usually leave school around lunch time, then sleep and hour or two in the afternoon to collect energy so they can be up until late with the adults.
Life is more intense here at countryside, people see each other very often. As we currently stay at Eclezio`s parents house, we are part of this crazy life, surrounded by people all the time and have company in 24/7. I don`t mind it at all; we had a little bit of isolated life in UK which I still find hard to decide if it was 100% our fault or were just not enough lucky to build nice friendships or at least good relationships with locals. (maybe one day I will write a post about this problem. maybe.)
Caio has five cousins all together. Two of them are in Hungary and three are in Brazil. Caio is the youngest from all followed by Lydia who is 8 years old. They spend a lot of time together and have a very good relationship. Next one is Mel, 10 years old and her brother Mateus who is 14 years old.
Since everybody lives near here, we see each other often, almost everyday. Life at Eclezio`s parents house is everything but not quiet. The whole neighborhood is noisy but the atmosphere is good. There is a common habit in Brazil that I call "forever party feeling". People here like very loud music and like to share it with the others. Hence, it is common to see cars with huge inbuilt speakers at the back providing music at least on 100 dB. It is impossible to talk with or hear each other in such noise but it is part of a countryside lifestyle. As a foreigner while I see it as part of the culture Eclezio just calls it "lack of respect towards the others". Well. Maybe.
Soon we are moving into the town, anyway. I am going to write a post about renting process, now here are some pics:
We have been here for more than a month now and I am still amazed by the weather. After so many cold and windy years in UK I enjoy every single sun ray on my skin and the constant warmth of the air. Even if there are cloudy and rainy days sometimes, it is different now as I know that the next day or the day after will be sunny and hot again.
I have my morning coffee outside under the sun everyday and it is one of the most relaxing time of the day for sure. I have to be careful with UV rays though; the other day, after half an hour my face got sunburned and it was really red for a couple of days.
Different life rhythm is typical in hot countries. Even tough people start working early in the morning, they go to sleep quite late including children as well despite the fact that classes start here at 7.30am. It is common that family visits end after 11pm - on weekdays. During the weekends guests leave home sometimes after midnight or so. Kids usually leave school around lunch time, then sleep and hour or two in the afternoon to collect energy so they can be up until late with the adults.
Life is more intense here at countryside, people see each other very often. As we currently stay at Eclezio`s parents house, we are part of this crazy life, surrounded by people all the time and have company in 24/7. I don`t mind it at all; we had a little bit of isolated life in UK which I still find hard to decide if it was 100% our fault or were just not enough lucky to build nice friendships or at least good relationships with locals. (maybe one day I will write a post about this problem. maybe.)
Caio has five cousins all together. Two of them are in Hungary and three are in Brazil. Caio is the youngest from all followed by Lydia who is 8 years old. They spend a lot of time together and have a very good relationship. Next one is Mel, 10 years old and her brother Mateus who is 14 years old.
Since everybody lives near here, we see each other often, almost everyday. Life at Eclezio`s parents house is everything but not quiet. The whole neighborhood is noisy but the atmosphere is good. There is a common habit in Brazil that I call "forever party feeling". People here like very loud music and like to share it with the others. Hence, it is common to see cars with huge inbuilt speakers at the back providing music at least on 100 dB. It is impossible to talk with or hear each other in such noise but it is part of a countryside lifestyle. As a foreigner while I see it as part of the culture Eclezio just calls it "lack of respect towards the others". Well. Maybe.
Soon we are moving into the town, anyway. I am going to write a post about renting process, now here are some pics:
Caio and Lydia
Mel a szuleivel / Mel with her parents