

2015. február 16., hétfő

Caio 6. szulinapja...Caio`s 6th birthday...

Caio szulinapja kesobbre esett mint Eclezio utazasa, igy iden kicsit elorebb hoztuk es 2 hettel elobb unnepeltunk, mint a tenyleges datum. Caio most toltotte be a 6. eletevet es 4 londoni ev utan most o is nagyon keszul a nagy utazasra, Braziliaba. Kapott egy kis borondot, amit majd fel tud vinni a gepre es most naponta azzal jatszik. A leglenyegesebb dolgok pont belefernek: a pluss kutyusa, egy parna, fuzet es ceruza rajzolni es egy kis ragcsalni valo.

Ami az iskolat illeti, tavaly mar korbekerdeztunk nehany iskolat mikor Santos-ban jartunk es attol fuggoen, hogy hol fogunk vegul lakni a legkozelebb esot valasztjuk majd. Braziliaban, ha az ember megteheti es ha azt szeretne, hogy a gyereke kesobb tovabbtanuljon, akkor maganiskolat fizet egeszen az egyetemig. Maganegyetemek es -foiskolak is vannak, de van nehany nagyon jo allamilag finanszirozott egyetem is (peldaul a USP, vagy UNIFESP Sao Paulo-ban), ahova persze nem konnyu bekerulni, ezert eri meg bizonyos osszeget kifizetni az altalanos es kozepiskolai oktatasba.

Angliaban az iskolai oktatas hamarabb kezdodik mint Braziliaban, es mas honapban is kezdodik az iskolai tanev. Ugyanugy ahogy nalunk a nyari szunet utan szeptemberben kezdodik az iskola, a braziloknal is a nyari szunet utan, februarban kezdodik az oktatas. Mig Caio itt tavaly 5 es fel evesen kezdte az elso osztalyt, addig ott 6 evesen ugyanugy mehet elsobe, februar utan. Ez abbol a szempontbol sem rossz, mert igy egyszerre kezdi majd a gyerekekkel az osztalyt es veluk egyutt halad majd a portugal nyelv tanulasaban is.


Since Caio`s birthday was later in February than the date of Eclezio`s trip, we decided to celebrate it 2 weeks earlier than the actual date. After four years in London, he is ready for a new and exciting start in Brazil and counts the days till April. He got a small size suitcase to take to the board, and he really adores it; he keeps packing all day. The luggage has enough room to his toy dog, his pillow and some clothes, notebook and pencils for drawing and for some snacks. We pretend going to the airport, so we pack everything, zip up and take the air plane which is actually the sofa in the living room. We play on the sofa, then once we land, we pack everything back and leave the air plane. Then everything starts from the beginning...

Regarding schools in Santos, we visited some of them during our trip last year and checked the prices. Obviously we can make our final decision once we know where we are going to live, but generally speaking, if parents can afford, most of the kids go to private schools until university. Public fundamental primary and secongary schools have lower quality mainly in terms of additional languages and science. 
Regarding universities there are also many private institutions, however for example USP in Sao Paulo, which is a public fundamental school, is called a very good university and it is among the top 10 unis in Brazil and 225. worldwide.

As for Caio`s school time, he started the primary school at the age of 5 - this is standard in UK. In Brazil, school term for Year 1 starts at the age of 6-7 and in February, just right after summer holiday. So when we arrive in Brazil, Caio will join again to Year 1 which is better in that sense that he can build up friendships from scratch and can start studying Portuguese grammar, reading and writing with the others.   

6. szulinap / 6th birthday

Caio is ready for the trip

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