Eclezio immaron csaladja koreben elvezheti a meleget (napkozben 32-37 fok) a finom tropusi illatotokat, reggel a friss zsomlet a peksegbol a kavejahoz es persze a folyamatos dumalast. Az anyukaja nagyon boldog, hogy 10 ev utan kicsit visszakapta a fiacskajat, aztan persze kivancsi vagyok meddig tart majd ez a nagy hejehuja. Mindenesetre a telefonban nagyon fel van dobva estenkent a mama.
Kicsit megkonnyebbultem, hogy Eclezio vegre megerkezett, mert itthon az utazas napjara valo varakozas kicsit feszultte tett mindannyiunkat. En utalok bucsuzkodni, es azt sem szeretem nezni, ahogy a masik pakol es megy el. Inkabb lennek mar tul az egeszen es haladjunk tovabb. Raadasul Eclezionak este indult a gepe igy egy egesz napot mosolyogtam, meg pakoltam, meg segitettem, mikor pedig sirni lett volna kedvem. Nem szeretem, ha valaki eppen elmegy es pont. Most, hogy mar ott van es folyamatosan informal a tortenesekrol, igy jo, mert igy mar a sajat utazasunkat varom Caioval (igaz, addig meg anya is hazautazik, es az is ugyanolyan utalatos lesz, mint a masik).
Az ut Londonbol Sao Pauloba 11 es fel ora, ejszakai jarat, tehat akar lehetne egy jot aludni is - mar aki tud. En nem tudok repulon aludni (ami sajna eleg nagy szivas) es ezuttal Eclezionak sem sikerult. Maradt a kialvatlansag es a fejfajas (en majd azert felszerelkezem fejfajas csillapitoval az utra, Eclezio ezt peldaul elfelejtette) meg persze a maratoni filmnezes, meg a belebobiskolas.
A repterre Eclezio batyja, Dinho ment ki, csupan csak 2 orat kellett ra varakozni (hallo! negyedik blog bejegyzes az elso benyomasokrol Braziliaban, 3. pont, varakozas, megvan?) mert rossz terminalba ment, dehat Dinho mar csak ilyen. A lenyeg, hogy vegul epsegben hazafuvarozta az occset, ahol ugye mar vartak a szulok, aztan par haver es egyeb csaladag is beugrott, igy szerintem Eclezio rekordott donthetett nem alvasban miota ismerem, es kabe 42 oraval azutan, hogy elindult innen Londonbol mar agyba is tudott kerulni es vegre kialhatta magat.
By now Eclezio is among his family and he can enjoy the hot weather (my God, better not to think about it, seriously, here is only 6 degrees...) the lovely tropical smell of the air, the fresh and hot rolls from the bakery to his coffee in the morning and last but not least, the company of his mama. His mother is very very happy that his "little boy" is now close to her again - well, let`s see after a few months, but for now, she sounds to be really over the moon on the phone.
I have to say, that it`s a big relief for me to know that Eclezio is already there because I really hate waiting for the day when someone is leaving and counting the days and hours. I just want to get over it. I don`t want to show how sad I am during this farewell so I keep smiling and chatting and helping to pack but meanwhile inside I am crying like a baby.
Now that he is there, safe and okay, I am happy as well and although I miss him a lot I don't mind being alone a bit and arrange our moving here. I get informed every day what is going on in Brazil and it makes me really happy and excited!
It takes for 11,5 hours to get to Sao Paulo from London - in case of night flight it`s a perfect time for a good sleep. It would be an ideal case but this time Eclezio couldn`t really sleep so he had to watch movies all night from that he got headache so by the end it was not the best journey of his life.
He was picked by Dinho at the airport where he had to wait two hours for his brother since Dinho mixed up the terminals but that`s fine, this is normal from him :-))
I don`t know for how long it took for them to arrive home but anyhow, they arrived and 42 hours after he left our flat in London, finally!, he went to sleep...
I have to say, that it`s a big relief for me to know that Eclezio is already there because I really hate waiting for the day when someone is leaving and counting the days and hours. I just want to get over it. I don`t want to show how sad I am during this farewell so I keep smiling and chatting and helping to pack but meanwhile inside I am crying like a baby.
Now that he is there, safe and okay, I am happy as well and although I miss him a lot I don't mind being alone a bit and arrange our moving here. I get informed every day what is going on in Brazil and it makes me really happy and excited!
It takes for 11,5 hours to get to Sao Paulo from London - in case of night flight it`s a perfect time for a good sleep. It would be an ideal case but this time Eclezio couldn`t really sleep so he had to watch movies all night from that he got headache so by the end it was not the best journey of his life.
He was picked by Dinho at the airport where he had to wait two hours for his brother since Dinho mixed up the terminals but that`s fine, this is normal from him :-))
I don`t know for how long it took for them to arrive home but anyhow, they arrived and 42 hours after he left our flat in London, finally!, he went to sleep...
meg mindig Londonban.../ still in London
erik a carambola / carambola has been ripening
aaa, nincs meleg.../ it`s not hot at all... :-)
Dinho es a Cotinthians zaszlo / Dinho and Corinthians flag
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