Eclezio februar 9-en, Caio es en pedig aprilis 24-en utazunk. Ez lesz az elso alkalom, hogy ilyen sok idot toltunk majd kulon, de ebben az esetben nem banom. Anya itt marad velunk aprilisig es segit Caio korul amig en dolgozom. Sok ugyintezes var Eclezio-ra is es ram is, igy jobb is, ha nem zavarjuk egymas koreit es o a munka- es lakaskeresesre tud koncentralni ott, mig en az alberlet felmondasara, szamlak rendezesere, baratoktol valo bucsuzkodasra itt.
Nagyon izgalmas ez az egesz, megha nem is ez lesz az elso alkalom, hogy hosszabb idot toltunk Braziliaban. Most "vegleg" megyunk, persze en mar parszor kijelentettem az eletben, hogy tobbet nem koltozunk, aztan megis...Most apro dolgoknak orulok, peldaul, hogy sok-sok napsutes lesz, hogy a tenger mindig elerheto kozelsegben lesz es meg a levegonek is ocean szaga van, hogy mindig sok-sok ember lesz korulottunk, hogy rengeteg gyumolcsot fogok enni, es hogy megint egy uj nyelvet fogok tanulni elo kornyezetben, ez mindig olyan fantasztikus erzes, mikor az ember elkezd egy masik nyelven eloszor eloszor habogni, aztan mar mennek egesz mondatok is, aztan egyszer csak azon kapja magat, hogy beszelget es az utobbi fel oraban nem azon gondolkodott, hogy hogyan is kell osszerakni azt a mondatot.
Aztan azt is varom, hogy Caio is jol erezze magat a melegben, az iskolaban, es az emberek kozott, hogy homogenebb lesz a tarsasag, es kevesebb a vallasi, borszinbeli kulonbozoseg, es nem azzal kell foglalkozni, hogy minden egyes embernel megertsd, hogy miert viselkedik ugy, hogy mi a kulturalis hattere annak, ahogy hozzaall a dolgokhoz (persze nekem majd biztosan lesz ezzel dolgom, de nem egyenkent minden embernel, ugy mint itt Londonban). Es persze remelem, hogy a kulonbozo akcentusokkal sem lesz akkora kihivas megbirkozni, mint egy multi-kulti nagyvarosban.
Igy tehat most, es mar csak 12 het maradt a kovetkezo nagy kalandig :-)
Eclezio is going to fly on 9th February, while Caio and me are leaving UK on 24th April. This will be the first time that we are going to spend so much time far from each other but in this case I don`t really mind. My mum is staying with us until April and helps me around Caio while I work. Loads of things need to be arranged in Brazil and here, and it is even better if we don`t bother each other. Eclezio will be enough busy with flat and job searching issues, and as for me, I need to terminate our flat rent contract, close utility bills, make the furniture removed and say goodbye to my best friends.
It is very exciting for the whole even if it won`t be the first time for us to spend longer period in Brazil. This time we are going "for good". Of course I said few times in the past that it would be DEFINITELY our last moving and then, here we are again...
At the moment I just feel happy for small things, like sunshine, warm weather, the short distance to the beach, that even the air has the smell of the ocean, that we will always be surrounded by relatives and friends and that I am going to eat tons of fruits every day.
In addition, I am very happy that I am going to speak a new language in living environment; it`s always very exciting to notice how your language skills is improving. First you just gibber and look for the proper words and sweat like hell during a 15 minutes conversation. This then improves to a smoother chat and sweating won`t be an issue anymore until you find yourself talking and talking more fluently and notice that you didn`t think of any grammar and vocabulary related thing in the last one hour. Great feeling for sure! :-)
I also cannot wait to see Caio being happy in Brazil and find new friends in his new school and regarding language I think I won`t need to listen so many different accents and find out what and how people mean things based on their religion and own cultural background. Of course, me as a foreigner will face with all above for sure but maybe not with every single person, but nation-wise.
That`s all for now, and let`s start counting back...only 12 weeks to go, yey!!
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