

2014. február 8., szombat

Hova is megyunk pontosan...Where we are going to be located...The Santos - Praia Grande - Sao Vicente triangle

Santos: Brazilia keleti reszen, Sao Paulo allamban, Sao Paulo varostol korulbelul 79km-re delre fekszik az Atlanti ocean partjan. Terulete megoszlik reszben az erosen urbanizált Sao Vicente szigeten, reszben a szarazfoldon amely terulet mintegy 70%-a védett.

Praia Grande: a Praia Grande-i onkormányzat altal igazgatott terüuet az egyike volt az elso portugalok altal gyarmatositott teruletnek, amelyet 1532-ben a portugál Martim Afonso fedezett fel. Praia Grande 1967-ig Sao Vicente reszet kepezte, csak ezutan valt el kozigazgatasilag a varostol. 

São Vicente: ez volt az elso portugalok lakta allando telepules az amerikai kontinensen  es az elso hivatalosan elismert falu a gyarmati Braziliaban. 1532-ben alapitotta Martim Afonso de Sousa. A telepules elso eves fennallasat heves harcok jellemeztek, a portugal, a spanyol, a Tupi oslakos brazilok (akiket gyakran tettek rabszolgava), es a kalozok kozott. 1532 augusztus 22-en Sao Vicente-ben hoztak letre az elso demokratikusan megvalasztott varosi tanacsot.


Santos: is a municipality in the São Paulo state of Brazil, and is partially located on the island of São Vicente, which harbors both the city of Santos and the city of São Vicente, and partially on the mainland. It is divided into two distinct geographic areas: the heavily urbanized island and the continental area, about 70% of which is protected

Praia Grande: The area covered today by the municipality of Praia Grande was one of the first areas colonized by the Portuguese, which began with the arrival of Martim Afonso in 1532 . The first village founded by the explorer, sent by the Portuguese crown, was that of St. Vincent, which remained part Praia Grande until 1967.

São Vicente: was founded in 1532 by Portuguese settlers, being the first officially recognized village in colonial Brazil. Its early years of existence were characterized by violent fights between Portuguese, Spanish, Tupi native Brazilians (often put into slavery) and pirates. The first City Council  was democratically elected and established in São Vicente on August 22, 1532.

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