Engem Cecilia-nak hivnak, es egy kis hevesi faluban. Gyongyossolymoson toltottem eletem elso 23 evet, kesobb Budapesten tanultam es ott is kezdtem el dolgozni kozgazdaszkent. 2006-ben innen indultam utnak, hogy vilagot lassak, kulfoldon is kiprobaljam magam, es tobbek kozott csiszoljam az angol tudasom.
2004-ben meg csak turistakent latogattam Londonba, de par evvel kesobb mar munkavallalokent eltem ott. Turistakent egy kep egett belem, amint a City-ben setaltunk es egy elegans lany sotet kosztumben leintett egy taxit, akkor hirtelen elkapott egy eros belso vagy, hogy egyszer en szeretnek az a kosztumos lany lenni es taxit leinteni a City-ben munka utan, vagy mert targyalasra sietek, vagy csak eppen a barataimmal talalkozom, es nincs idom a buszra varni...
Nos, azota eltelt 10 ev es en ebbol en 6 evet dolgozatam ott, a City-ben, es igen sok taxit sikerult az alatt az ido alatt leintenem, kollegakkal, kosztumben, vagy csak ugy egyedul. A buszokat amugy azota is birom, a metrot nem, mert klausztrofobiat okoz, es a kilatas sem tul jo...
2007-ben, Londonban ismertem a ferjemet, aki brazil, es aki eppen kapcsolodott egy masik nagy szenvedelyemhez, a latin zenehez. Mar koran megfertozott a latin-amerikai ritmus, a Salsa cimu filmet, ami egy puerto rico-i tancosrol szol ezerszer megneztem. Kedvenc volt a listamon a Bueno Vista Social Club is.
Gyerekkent jatszottam hangszeren csak, (csello), es sajnos valahol a tinedzser evek tajan elvesztettem vele a kapcsolatot. A ferjem mar nem gyerekkent, hobbibol tanult szaxofonozni es gitarozni is, latni is a kulonbseget. :-) A zene azota is kozponti szerep nalunk, foleg a latin-amerikai zene.
Az elso igazi elmenyem Braziliarol es az egesz brazil kulturarol a "forro" (foho) zenevel indult, innentol aztan nem volt megallas, eszakrol delre, keletrol nyugatra, johetett a forro, a pagode, az axe, a szamba, a bossa nova, johetett Luis Gonzaga es Jorge Aragao, Zeca Pagodino es Ivete Sangalo, Daniela Mercury, a Falamansa es Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Beth Carvalho es Marisa Monte.
A ferjemmel mind a ketten az autentikusabb zeneket kedveljuk igy peldaul az brazil rock vagy funk annyira nem jon be, ha lehet annal inkabb pop-osabb legyen ha mar...
A mi tortenetunk tehat Londonban, a Guanabara Club-ban kezdodott, majd a Salsa Club-ban folytatodott (ami egyebkent neve ellenere nem spanyol ajkuak, hanem brazilok latogatta hely) es majd nemsokara az is kiderul hogy, majd hogyan is erezzuk majd magunkat a szamba foldjen, Braziliaban, 2015 tavaszatol.
My name is Cecilia and I grew up in a little neighborhood, called Gyongyossolymos and I spent my first 23 years there. Later I moved to Budapest where I graduated as an economist and started to work in a commercial bank. I moved to London in 2006 mainly to improve my English and to find new opportunities in my profession and excitement in life.
I had been to London in 2004 as a tourist and it was a pleasure to think back to these times when I was already working in the City few years later.
I met with my husband in 2007, who was Brazilian and at that time I didn`t know too much about Brazil except the usual things, like samba, carnival and football. When we first started talking, I knew straight away I met with the right person because of so many common interest. We both liked music, we both used to play music instruments, we liked the same style of movies, we found out that usually liked doing the same things, for example long sleeping on the weekends, going out with friends, reading, walking in the park etc...
We met at a Brazilian place called Guanabara Club and later we often went out to Salsa! Bar near Tottenham Court road. It was an important point in my life as this place was linked to my very first experience of Brazilian culture and it`s called "forro" [foho] music. I fell in love with this music style and from that point I was crazy to know more about Brazil, listen more music and watch movies, discover singers, movie starts and so on. I love music of Luis Gonzaga, Jorge Aragao, Zeca Pagodino and Daniela Mercury, and also Falamansa, Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Beth Carvalho and Marisa Monte. Fortunately my husband likes samba, forro, pagode and bossa nova as well.
I was also interested in every Brazilian related thing including history, customs and traditions, gastronomy, language and people.
So our story started in London at Guanabara Club, carried on at Salsa Bar and this blog is written for the purpose to tell how we will find our final(?) destination on the land of samba, in Brazil.
My name is Cecilia and I grew up in a little neighborhood, called Gyongyossolymos and I spent my first 23 years there. Later I moved to Budapest where I graduated as an economist and started to work in a commercial bank. I moved to London in 2006 mainly to improve my English and to find new opportunities in my profession and excitement in life.
I had been to London in 2004 as a tourist and it was a pleasure to think back to these times when I was already working in the City few years later.
I met with my husband in 2007, who was Brazilian and at that time I didn`t know too much about Brazil except the usual things, like samba, carnival and football. When we first started talking, I knew straight away I met with the right person because of so many common interest. We both liked music, we both used to play music instruments, we liked the same style of movies, we found out that usually liked doing the same things, for example long sleeping on the weekends, going out with friends, reading, walking in the park etc...
We met at a Brazilian place called Guanabara Club and later we often went out to Salsa! Bar near Tottenham Court road. It was an important point in my life as this place was linked to my very first experience of Brazilian culture and it`s called "forro" [foho] music. I fell in love with this music style and from that point I was crazy to know more about Brazil, listen more music and watch movies, discover singers, movie starts and so on. I love music of Luis Gonzaga, Jorge Aragao, Zeca Pagodino and Daniela Mercury, and also Falamansa, Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Beth Carvalho and Marisa Monte. Fortunately my husband likes samba, forro, pagode and bossa nova as well.
I was also interested in every Brazilian related thing including history, customs and traditions, gastronomy, language and people.
So our story started in London at Guanabara Club, carried on at Salsa Bar and this blog is written for the purpose to tell how we will find our final(?) destination on the land of samba, in Brazil.
Gyongyossolymos, Hungary
Guanabara, London, 2007
Mennyire aranyos bejegyzés volt! Főleg az utolsó kép, nagyon jól néztek ki!
VálaszTörlésTetszett amikor írtad, hogy bevillant a kép, hogy te is a kosztümös Cityben dolgozó nő akarsz lenni. Szerintem ez sokszor így működik, így érezhetünk rá, hogy merre van a helyes út.
Pontosan, szerintem ha valaki nagyon erosen vagyik valamire (es tesz is valamit erte), valahogy ugy sodorja az elet, hogy az elobb vagy utobb megvalosul. Egy masik almom volt: egyszer tengerparton szeretnek lakni. Es tessek :-) (kerdezd csak meg anyukamat, hany evig mondogattam ezt neki:-)))))