

2015. december 10., csütörtök

Karacsonyi nyari szunet...Christmas and summer holiday...

Kozeleg a karacsony. Ami itt azt is jelenti, hogy a heten elkezdodott a nyari szunet az iskolaban, tehat Caio majd` ket honapig itthon lesz, ugyhogy egy tobbe-kevesbe valtozatos napi programot kell neki osszeallitanom, amibe azert majd az en privat egy-ket oram is belefer.

Program gyanant adott ugye a medence, a jatszoter, az otthoni jatek es a macska nyuzasa, valamint a tengerpart, bar utobbira jobban szeretem, ha harman megyunk, es persze a nagyszulok segitseget is alkalomadtan igenybe fogjuk venni. Idaig amugy az idojaras nem kedvezett a parton valo sutkerezesnek; az utobbi 6 hetben sokat esett az eso, voltak eros szellokesekkel tarkitott varatlan viharok, es ezek kozul is tobb pont hetvegere esett, igy egy ideje mar nem voltunk lenn a parton. 

Na, de ami kesik nem mulik, es lassan, de biztosan kuszik be a meleg, a heten mar 30 fok folott lesz tartosan a homerseklet. Ebben a nagyon forro melegben az a jo, hogy ilyenkor valahogy megvaltozik a kornyezet, valtoznak a szagok (meleg szag van) folyton a sult hus illatat hozza valahonnan a szel, es igaz, hogy a napon hogutat lehet kapni, de az embereknek akkor is jobb kedvuk van.

Visszaterve a karacsonyra: az unnepi keszulodes mar novemberben elkezdodott, legalabbis azota ontotte el a boltokat a mufenyok, egosorok es girlandok sokasaga. A bevasarlokozpontok unnepi diszben, a varos feldiszitve, a piacokon tomegnyomor, ugyhogy jol meg kell valasztani az idopontot, ha az ember ajandekvasarlasra adja a fejet. Nyitasra a legerdemesebb menni, mert a brazil lusta nep es emellett ejszakai lepke is, igy nappal meg meguszhato a tomeg, de este 11-kor meg hosszu sorok allnak a kasszaknal.

Azon mar tulleptem, hogy egyaltalan nincs karacsonyi hangulatom, de azert elvezem a sok csili-vili kirakatot, meg hogy minden olyan szepen ki van vilagitva. Nalunk az iden alternativ karacsonyi dekoracio van az ebedloben, mivel bele kellett kalkulalnom, hogy egy hagyomanyos karacsonyfa esetleg a macskakarmok martaleka lesz. Ezert nemi internetes kutakodas utan, a falon alakitottam ki a "karacsonyfankat" egosorbol es girlandokbol. Emellett az erkelyen is fut nehany sor ego, igy este unnepi fenyben uszik a nappali, amit nagyon szeretek.

Iden karacsonykor egyebkent lehet, hogy pont uton leszunk, es egy kifejezetten nem brazilos stilusu varoskaban toltjuk majd az unnepeket. Campos de Jordao-ba szeretnenk menni, amit Brazilia Svajcanak is hivnak, mert foleg svajci stilusu hazak a jellemzoek.  Mivel az idojaras huvosebb arrafele, ezert a foszezon ott is telen van, de ilyenkor nyaron a karacsonyi vasar is allitolag nagyon szep es mi szeretnenk azt is megnezni. 

Az itteni utcai es otthoni karacsonyi dekoraciorol keszitettem nehany kepet es egy nagyon rovid videot, de eloben azert sokkal jobban csillog villog minden :-)



Christmas is just around the corner. Among other things it means the beginning of summer holiday and that Caio will be at home for almost two months. Hence, I have to make a nice to-do list for everyday activities in order to avoid to have a bored and therefore unbearable kid around me.

Outdoor activities seem to be the most efficient programs for Caio now to consume his tremendous energy such as swimming in the swimming pool, playing at the playground, walking to the beach or visiting grandparents. So far the weather was not the best for all of these activities though; in the past six weeks it was raining a lot occasionally followed by thunderstorm and it happened to have many rainy weekends. So we haven't been to the beach for swimming for a while. 

But as the saying goes: All is not lost that is delayed, and the temperature is growing gradually. This week it will be over 30 degrees permanently and the best thing in a very high very temperature is that even the smell of the air changes and people seem to be happier or more smiling. 

Just as in Europe, Christmas craziness started here at the end of November as Christmas decorations are also very present here. Trees are usually artificial and some of them even come with fake snow. Christmas lights are used to decorate almost everything starting from shops, trees on the streets, shopping centers, markets, houses. 
Retailers started to sell Christmas gifts also at the end of November, what`s more, some of the shops are transformed to sell only Christmas gift and decorations during this period of the year. In order to avoid crowd the best time to start shopping is the opening time and Brazilians are lazy and won`t queue such early, unless there is a big sale somewhere, but it is common to see  long queues at late hours (around 11pm) in the shopping centers.

Since I grew up in a country where it was always cold and snowing during Christmas now I am not really in Xmas mood but I definitely enjoy those lots of decorations and lights. I decorated our living room too but this year I had to take the cat into an account and find a cat proof solution for Xmas tree. After some days of surfing on the internet to find some practical and good idea, I decided to put only lights and garlands to the wall rather than decorating a Christmas tree which would be in constant danger for at least eight weeks.

This year we might travel somewhere during Christmas. There is a very cute small town near Sao Paulo, called Campos do Jordao. It is also called as the "Brazilian Switzerland" as buildings and houses look like just in Switzerland. The peak season there is in July, in winter period, so nowadays streets are not so busy which is good as we would like to see the Christmas market over there. 

I took some pictures of the Christmas decoration in Santos and a short video:

bevasarlokozpont / shopping center

Ana Costa sugarut / Ana Costa avenue

tengerparti dekoracio / beach decoration

macskabiztos dekoracio / cat proof Xmas decoration

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