Santos ovarosaban talalhato a Bolsa de Cafe (teljes neven Bolsa Oficial de Cafe), vagyis az egykori Kavetozsde, amelynek az epuleteben most a Museu de Cafe, vagyis a Kavemuzeum talalhato.
A muzeumnak ket resze van: a foldszinten talalhato az egykori tozsde szalon, ahol a kaveugyleteket bonyolitottak, illetve egy kavezo, ahol idokozonkent meghivott muveszek adnak zenes estet, es ahol barista tanfolyamokat is szerveznek.
A kavetozsde terme mogott Benedito Calixto 19. szazadi festo festmenyei lathatok, ezek kozul ketto Santos varos kikotojet abrazolja 1822 es 1922-bol, a harmadik kep pedig Santos varos alapitasat orokitette meg 1525-bol.
Az emeleti muzeumi resz kulonfele kiallitasoknak ad helyet. Ottjartunkkor, az allando kavetorteneti kiallitason kivul, ket tovabbi fotokiallitas is helyet kapott, az egyik az "Imigrantes do Cafe" amely az europai bevandorlok hetkoznapjait mutatja be 1910 korul. Akkoriban a santosi kikotot jelentette Brazilia kapuit a bevandorlok elott, a kiallitas pedig archiv felveteleken mutatja be a munkajukat a kaveultetvenyeken.
A masik fotokiallitas, a "Feito a Mao" magarol a kavekeszites folyamatarol osszeallitott fekete-feher kepsorozat; a fotos ket even at, tobb allamban keszitett fotokat es az ezekbol osszevalogatott kepekbol nyilt most kiallitas.
A muzeum utan termeszetesen megittunk egy csesze kavet a foldszinten levo kavezoban; Eclezionak sikerult egy olyan meregeros eszpresszot rendelnie ami sajna kifogott rajta (vagyis talan a vernyomasaval), en szerencsere a szokasos tejes kavemat kertem ami valami isteni finom volt, foleg, hogy tejszinhabot is kertem a tetejere :-)
The imposing building where the Bolsa Oficial de Cafe (the former coffee stock exchange) operated in Santos is a host today to one of the most interesting museums you will visit in Brazil: the Museu do Cafe (coffee museum).
For decades, Santos was the HQ for the ever important coffee-producing sector of the Brazilian economy. On the first half of the 20th century coffee was the main source of wealth for Brazil. Big panels at the museum show scenes from daily life at the turn of the century.
The museum is divided in two halves. First you will visit the salon where coffee stocks were negotiated. On the ceiling there`s a spectacular stained glass by local artist Benedito Calixto. On an adjacent room several panels and utensils tell the story of coffee.
Behind the salon there are huge paintings hanging on the wall showing the port of Santos in 1822 and one hundred year later, in 1922. Another painting shows Santos city founded in 1545.
The first floor of the museum contains panels and all sorts of tools and items related to the history of coffee in Brazil as well as gives place for exhibitions.
Currently there are two exhibitions have been running on the first floor: "Imigrantes do Cafe" which portrays the daily life of immigrants arrived through the Port of Santos, which was the country`s main gateway, in 1910. Archive photos show immigrants from several countries who worked on coffee plantations between 1910 and 1920.
The other exhibition is the "Feito a Mao" which features photographs about the manual work on coffee fields and coffee making facilities. A photographer visited numerous farms across the country and a selected collection is shown nowadays.
I took some pictures of those archive photos and found pretty interesting to see "behind the scenes", how people were living in the past centuries and when European immigrants started to "invade" Brazil.
Bolsa de Cafe
A regi kavetozsde epulete, ma muzeum / The building of coffee stock exchange; today operates as coffee musem
A regi kavetozsde epulete, ma muzeum / The building of coffee stock exchange; today operates as coffee musem
Ide jegyeztek fel a megkotott ugyleteket / This table was used to note the deals were agreed
Benedito Calixto altal tervezett olomuveg mennyezet / The stained glass ceiling by local artist Benedito Calixto
A Kavetozsde terme / The Coffee Stock Exchange salon
A kavetozsde terme az emeletrol / View of the Coffee Stock Exchange salon from the second floor
A mennyezet az elso emeleten (olyan mint egy torta) / The ceiling on the first floor (like a cake)
Az epulet terasza / The balcony of the building
Kavecserjek / Coffee plants
Kavetorteneti muzeum / Coffee history
Kulonbozo kavefajtak / Different types of coffee beans
Kavebab az 1900-as evek elejerol / Coffee benas from the beginning of the 1900`s
Santos varos kikotoje 1822-ben / The Port of Santos in 1822
Szaz evvel kesobb,1922-ben / One hundred years later in 1922
Santos varos alapitasa 1545-ben / Santos was founded in 1545
Kiallitas #1: Imigrantes do Cafe / Exhibition #1: Imigrantes do Cafe
Bevandorlok erkeznek 1910 korul / Immigrants arrive to Brazil in 1910
Nemet bevandorlok 1910 korul / German immigrants in 1910
Egy helyi iskola 1910 korul / A local school in 1910
Egy helyi mozi 1910 korul / A local cinema in 1910
A kavetermeles archiv kepeken / The coffee production on archive photos
Kiallitas #2: "Feito a Mao" / Exhibition #2: "Feito a Mao"
A kikotoben levo epulet regen... / The building at the port long time ago... ma /...and now
1888: Alairjak a torvenyt amely megszunteti a rabszolgasagot / 1888: Signing the law to abolish slavery
Egy kis meregeros eszpresszo / An extremely strong espresso