

2016. március 20., vasárnap

Monte Serrat - Morro de Sao Jeronimo

A Monte Serrat, vagy mas neven Szent Jeromos hegy a maga 157 meteres magassagaval Santos masodik legmagasabb dombja es fogaskerekun lehet feljutni a tetejere. Amig az egyik kocsi felfele megy a masik ugyanabban az idoben lefele, igy valtogatjak egymast 20 percenkent fel es le.
Ha valaki ugy dont, hogy inkabb gyalog maszna fel a hegyre, az is megoldhato, ehhez pont 416 lepcsofokot kell megtenni vagy a fogaskereku allomasatol, vagy a domb masik oldalan.

A domb tetejen mintha egy masik vilagba tevedne az ember; egy kicsiny falu fekszik ott, alig par szaz lakossal, akik a fogaskerekut hasznaljak kozlekedesre, leven autoval nem lehet oda feljutni. Talan ennek koszonheto, hogy a dombteton kiemelkedo a kozbiztonsag es nincs bunozes. A hazak ajtait nyitva lehet hagyni, nem tunik el semmi, a kisboltban sem all az elado egesz nap a pult mogott, csak ha jon valaki. Nagyon furcsa ez az ellentet a csak par szaz meterrel arrebb fekvo Santos belvarosaval szemben.

A dombteton van egy 400 eves (egeszen pontosan 1603-ban epult) katolikus templom. Don Francisco do Souza fokormanyzo epittette, annak emlekere, amikor egy nap kalozok tamadtak a lakossagra es fosztogatni kezdtek a varost. Az emberek a hegyre menekultek es csodaert imadkoztak, hogy megmenekuljenek a kalozoktol. Ezutan allitolag kovek es nehez sziklak valltak le a hegy oldalarol, lehetetlenne teve, hogy a fosztogatok feljussanak a tetejere. 

A fogaskereku allomasanal levo epulet a 19. szazadban kaszinokent mukodott, de azt kesobb bezartak. Most egy kavezo es rendezvenyterem van ott. A kavezobol es a terszrol 360 fokos kilatas nyilik az obolre es a szemkozti szigetekre.

Az egesz helynek nagyon eros mediterran hangulata van (foleg, ha sut a nap es hoseg van), koszonhetoen fokent az europai hatasnak ami  mind a templom, mind pedig a kavezo epuletet jellemzi. 


The Monte Serrat, also known as Morro de San Jeronimo, with its 157m heights is the second highest hill in Santos. It has a funicular system that connects the hill top with the city centre.  Access also can be done via a staircase with 416 steps.

On the top of the hill as if there would be in another world. A small village lays there with few hundreds of citizens, only. The place is very calm and there is no crime there at all. It is probably because the top cannot be reached by car and the hill is too steep to take away things easily. 

In the 19th century, there was a casino located in Monte Serrat that has been disabled since then. Now a cafe and a conference room operate at the same place and provide a 360 degree view to the entire city. 

There is also a small catholic church that was built about 400 years ago, in 1603 by the request of Don Francisco do Souza, governor-general of Brazil. According to the story, the church was built as a memory of gratitude after one day Santos was attacked by pirates and started to loot local citizens. People escaped to the hill and prayed for a miracle to happen to save them. Soon after, big rocks started to fall from the hillside blocking the way from the villains and save people. 

The place is very charming and has some Mediterranean atmosphere where the one can spend a whole day relaxing with a cup of coffee and snack.

a fogaskereku / the funicular

 nem messze, ott a epuletunk, masik hegy elott / 
not far, our building in front of the other hill

 a kavezo / the cafe

 400 eves templom / a 400 years old church

 jo a kozbiztonsag / public safety is very good at this place

 a 334. lepcsofok / the 334th stepping stone

a parkolo a 19. szazadban es ma / the parking area in the 19th century and today

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