Kihasznalva a mult szombati nem tul forro es nem tul esos idojarast, ugy dontottunk, hogy aznap hajokirandulasra megyunk, es ki is valasztottuk az egyik obol menti kis hajozasi tarsasagot, a Turismo no Mar-t.
Hirtelen otlet leven, nem neztuk meg elore mikor indulnak a kirandulasok (ennek a tarsasagnak naponta negyszer fut ki hajoja) de szerencsenk volt, mert 10 perccel a kovetkezo hajo indulasa elott ertunk oda, igy meg csak varakozni sem kellett.
Voltam mar hajokirandulason es kulonosebb elmenyrol nem tudok beszamolni, ha nincs hideg szel vagy nem tuz a nap, nagyon tudom elvezni, ahogy a hajo szant a vizen, es csak bamulok bele a habokba es a hullamokba.
Most is kabe erre keszultem, de ugy tunik (megint) elfelejtettem, hogy Braziliaban vagyok, es itt a csond mint olyan, nem letezo fogalom. Gyakorlatilag onnantol, hogy felszalltunk, egy bulihajon talaltuk magunkat teli fiatalokkal, vagy bulizos kedvu, mar nem fiatal felnottekkel. A hangszorobol folyamatosan szolt (uvoltott) a zene, a kapitany pedig hol a feneket razta, hol idegenvezetokent magyarazta mit latunk eppen. A gondolataim egy ido utan a hajot verdeso hullamokrol egyre inkabb egy pohar finom, jeges caipirinha fele kalandoztak, de persze csak sor volt a fedelzeten, azt meg nem szeretem.
Feluton jarhattunk, amikor eszembe jutott, hogy most pont ugy erzem magam, mintha egy ismeretterjeszto dokumentumfilm egyik adasat neznem, csak most en ulok a hajoban, es nem Michael Palin mikor atszelte egy kis csonakon az Amazonas folyot, miutan meglatogatott egy helyi indian torzset. Tok jo erzes volt.
A hajo a szomszedos Guaruja fele tartott es a parttol nem messze nemsokara megalltunk; aki ekkor akart, mentoovvel felszerelve beugorhatott a vizbe egy kis uszikalasra. Mi nem keszultunk ilyesmire, viszont kozel a parthoz a hullamok erosebben dobaltak a hajot, es ami nekem kellemes ringatozas volt, attol Eclezionak felfordult a gyomra, igy ugy dontott, hogy 20 percig nem fog azzal kuzdeni, hogy a benn levo dolgok benn is maradjanak, hanem inkabb farmergatyastol beugrott o is a vizbe. Ott legalabb nem volt rosszul.
Kabe 5 perc utan hivta Caiot is, hogy akar-e esetleg o is csobbanni egyet a sos vizben, aki erre igent mondott, igy ot csak alsogatyara vetkoztettem, kapott egy mentomellenyt es hadd menjen. Kabe 20 percig voltak az emberek a vizben, aztan szolt a kapitany, hogy indulunk visszfele; persze a legtobben hoztak torulkozot meg valtoruhat, de nekunk ilyen nem volt. Meg szerencse, hogy en - sose lehet tudni alapon - mindig, minden korulmenyek kozott bedobok egy kardigant, akarhova is megyunk igy az most jol szolgalt torulkozo helyett, a levego meg amugy is meleg volt.
Visszafele kerultunk egyet a kikoto fele, megneztuk a bazi nagy teherszallito hajokat is (az Orange Sun nevu eppen elindult valahova a vilagba), majd visszatertunk a kiinduloponthoz.
A vasarolt jegyekbol kisorsoltak egy polot, par doboz sort es uditot, valamint ragcsalnivalot, de nem estunk bele egyik szorasba sem, igy jobb hijan a kapitany kalapjat vettem kolcson es keszitettem benne egy fenykepet emleknek :-)
Keszitettem nehany videot is, azok jobban atadjak a hangulatot, mint a kepek:
Szeli a hajo a vizet:
Buli van Aprajafalvan:
Orange Sun:
Indulas az obolbol:
Buli van Aprajafalvan:
Orange Sun:
Indulas az obolbol:
Taking the opportunity that the weather was just right regarding rain and hot last Saturday, we decided to take a schooner trip around Santos Bay with one of the local tour agency, Turismo no Mar.
It was an ad-hoc idea and we didn`t plan anything in advance but we were lucky as we arrived just in time: 10 minutes before the next boat run out from the port.
I like boat trips. Usually, there is nothing special, if the wind is not too strong and sunshine doesn`t burn, I just enjoy staring the water and listening the information from the tourist guide in the background and just thinking of nothing.
I thought this time it would be the same but I always forget that I am actually in Brazil so nothing is "usual" here and always happens something unexpected (not always positive though...).
The first unusual thing was the very loud music (seriously, why am I surprised...? haha) and the very very good atmosphere on the boat. The captain (who was also the tour guide in one person) was extremely friendly and a very funny guy. He kept joking during the whole trip and seemed to have a very good sense of humor as people were laughing all the time (I personally couldn't, because of my Portuguese of course).
Since music was very loud and people had fun around me, I found myself not staring the water but thinking of a glass of cold and icy caipirinha but unfortunately only beer was sold, and I didn`t like it :-(
The boat was heading to Guaruja, a neighbor city of Santos, and on half way I felt like being in a travel documentary film, only this time I was sitting in the boat and not Michael Plain when he crossed the Amazon River after visiting the indigenous tribe the Yanomami.
The captain stopped the boat near the coast of Guaruja and whoever wanted had chance for a dip. We didn`t plan to swim on that day but the waves tossed the boat pretty strongly so Eclezio started to feel a bit sick.
In order to avoid to see his lunch back, he decided to swim in jeans. Well, better than suffering for half an hour on the boat and after ten minutes in the water he asked Caio if he wanted to join too, so both of them were in the water with the other brave applicants. Certainly we didn't have any towels but fortunately I always take my jumper everywhere (just in case) so they could be dried a bit, but the air was also warm anyway.
On the way back we took a visit to Santos port and saw huge cargo ships; one of them just left with its shipment somewhere, perhaps to Europe, then returned back to the starting point.
This trip was a pleasure for me and I really would like to sail again however Eclezio was not so enthusiastic (poor one) because of his weak stomach. Let`s see; I hope I will have chance to make such trips somewhere else too, where I will be even more close to the nature.
Followings are the videos I recorded to show the real atmosphere of this trip:
The "travel documentary feeling" one:
Party boat:
Orange Sun:
It was an ad-hoc idea and we didn`t plan anything in advance but we were lucky as we arrived just in time: 10 minutes before the next boat run out from the port.
I like boat trips. Usually, there is nothing special, if the wind is not too strong and sunshine doesn`t burn, I just enjoy staring the water and listening the information from the tourist guide in the background and just thinking of nothing.
I thought this time it would be the same but I always forget that I am actually in Brazil so nothing is "usual" here and always happens something unexpected (not always positive though...).
The first unusual thing was the very loud music (seriously, why am I surprised...? haha) and the very very good atmosphere on the boat. The captain (who was also the tour guide in one person) was extremely friendly and a very funny guy. He kept joking during the whole trip and seemed to have a very good sense of humor as people were laughing all the time (I personally couldn't, because of my Portuguese of course).
Since music was very loud and people had fun around me, I found myself not staring the water but thinking of a glass of cold and icy caipirinha but unfortunately only beer was sold, and I didn`t like it :-(
The boat was heading to Guaruja, a neighbor city of Santos, and on half way I felt like being in a travel documentary film, only this time I was sitting in the boat and not Michael Plain when he crossed the Amazon River after visiting the indigenous tribe the Yanomami.
The captain stopped the boat near the coast of Guaruja and whoever wanted had chance for a dip. We didn`t plan to swim on that day but the waves tossed the boat pretty strongly so Eclezio started to feel a bit sick.
In order to avoid to see his lunch back, he decided to swim in jeans. Well, better than suffering for half an hour on the boat and after ten minutes in the water he asked Caio if he wanted to join too, so both of them were in the water with the other brave applicants. Certainly we didn't have any towels but fortunately I always take my jumper everywhere (just in case) so they could be dried a bit, but the air was also warm anyway.
On the way back we took a visit to Santos port and saw huge cargo ships; one of them just left with its shipment somewhere, perhaps to Europe, then returned back to the starting point.
This trip was a pleasure for me and I really would like to sail again however Eclezio was not so enthusiastic (poor one) because of his weak stomach. Let`s see; I hope I will have chance to make such trips somewhere else too, where I will be even more close to the nature.
Followings are the videos I recorded to show the real atmosphere of this trip:
The "travel documentary feeling" one:
Party boat:
Orange Sun:
a hatterben Santos / Santos is in the background
szeljuk a habokat / cutting through he waves
kozel Guaruja partjaihoz / close to the cost of Guaruja