

2015. május 13., szerda


Santos (es ahogy Brazilia legnagyobb resze is) foldrajzilag az egyenlito es a bakterito kozott helyezkedik el, eghajlata tehat tropusi. Az atlaghomerseklet nyaron 24-30 fok kozott van, mig telen 16-24 fok kozott (pont nekem valo tehat). Mig a tropusi eghajlatot altalaban a szaraz es nedves evszakok jellemzik, addig Santosban a szaraz ritkan van jelen, a folyamatos esozes egesz evben jellemzo. Nyaron, egy-egy forro napon ez egy vagy tobb felhoszakadast jelent sok-sok dorgessel es villamlassal, mig az oszi-teli idoszakra inkabb a csendes esozes a jellemzo, de nem folyamatosan, azaz nem napokig, hanem inkabb naponta (foleg delutan kezd neki vagy ejszaka). Ilyenkor a levego is lehul kisse, de persze egy angliai vagy egy magyarorszagi tavaszhoz vagy oszhoz kepest ez a "lehules" nalam meg mindig a poloban es mezitlab valo kozlekedest jelenti, igy el lehet tehat kepzelni, hogy ez mennyire jelent hideget (megjegyzem, hogy amugy fazos vagyok, es erzekeny a hideg levegore es a szelre).
Brazilia a Fold deli felteken fekszik, tehat az evszakok Europahoz kepest fel vannak cserelve. A legmelegebb januarban, mig a leghidegebb augusztusban van.

Tavasz:     szeptember kozepe - december kozepe
Nyar:         december kozepe - marcius kozepe
Osz:          marcius kozepe - junius kozepe
Tel:           junius kozepe - szeptember kozepe

Most tehat osz van, es a telet kiveve eddig minden evszakban voltam mar itt es kivancsian varom, hogy hogyan alakul az esos es a napsuteses napok szama az igazi teli honapokban.
Erdekes modon idaig, amikor latogatoba jottunk mindig a magas paratartalom volt a legnagyobb kihivas es el sem tudtam kepzelni, hogy valaha farmert vagy barmilyen feszes ruhanemut viseljek itt. Egyszeruen nem viselte a borom. Most ugy tunik azonban, hogy ezuttal nem zavar a para, pedig tenyleg esik majdnem minden nap, de megis jobban turom, vagy csak azert, mert nem annyira nagy a hoseg, nem tudom.
Ebben a sok-sok esozesben egy dolog vegtelenul szemet gyonyorkodteto. A taj, a dombok meregzold szine, a buja termeszet. Ebbol a szempontbol szerencses vagyok, hogy mindig zold kornyezetben eltem, akar a Matraban, akar Angliaban, akar most itt, Braziliaban. A tenger kekje mellett ez a zold teszi teljesse a kepet, egy kopar, vagy sivatagos orszagban vagy varosban valoszinuleg nem ereznem magam olyan otthonosan.

erdekesseg #1: 
annak ellenere, hogy az osz itt hivatalosan marcius kozepen kezdodik, az iskolaev viszont februarban elso heteben (attol fuggoen, hogy mikor van a karneval szezon - a karneval februar ho barmelyik szerdajara eshet. Mivel ekkor orszagosan munkaszuneti napok vannak, ha a karneval a honap elejere esik, akkor az iskolaev kozvetlenul utana kezdodik. Ha a honap vegere, akkor az iskolaev februar elejen indul es a karnevalt koveto szunet utan folytatodik)

erdekesseg #2:  
a teli idoszakban este 6 ora korul (+- fel ora) van napnyugta, mig nyaron este 8 ora korul megy le a nap. Nincsenek azok az Europaban megszokott hosszu-rovid nyari-teli napok, mikor vagy nagyon koran sotetedik, vagy nagyon keson. A kesoi napnyugta egy kicsit azert hianyzik, foleg, hogy Eclezio 6-ig dolgozik, igy gyakorlatilag most mindennap sotetben er haza. De mivel a levego meleg es balzsamos, igy folyton nyar feeling-je van az embernek igy a rovidebb nappalok is jobban viselhetok. 


Santos has a tropical rainforest climate with no real dry season. Tropical rainforest climates are typically found near the equator so Santos featuring this type of climate is an exceptional situation. The average temperature in hot season is between 24 - 30 Celsius, while in colder seasons it is between 16 - 24 degrees. 
In a tropical climate usually rainy seasons alternate with non-rainy ones but as written above, here there is rain throughout the year in every season. It means mainly thunderstorms when the weather is hot and pouring warm rain more times a day in autumn and winter (it starts mainly in the afternoon or during the night). After raining the air cools down but of course, comparing cold air in England or in Hungary with here in the same seasons, for me "cold days" still mean wearing T-shirt and flip flop, so I can cope with it easily :-)
As the country lays on the southern hemisphere seasons in Brazil are the reverse of those of Europe:

Spring:     mid of September - mid of December
Summer:  mid of December - mid of March
Autumn:   mid of March - mid of June
Winter:     mid of June - mid of September

Now we are in May so there is still autumn and apart from winter period I have been here already in all of the seasons. I am now curious about the "real" winter here; how many rainy or sunny days we will have later. 
So far, during our visit the biggest challenge for me was to cope with the humidity. I couldn't imagine that I would be able to wear jeans or any stretchy clothes, simply because my skin didn`t stand it. However, from some reason, now I am not so disturbed by humidity as before, I don`t know why, maybe because the air is not so hot at the moment.
Lots of rain and humidity definitely has one big advantage: everything is extremely green, hills around the town with tropical forests have this absolutely stunning bright green colour all year and together with the Atlantic ocean`s blue it completes the picture of beauty.
I have been very lucky so far that I always lived near green places like Matra Hill in Hungary or near parks in London or now in Brazil. 

curiosity #1: Although autumn officially starts here in the middle of March, school year usually starts in early February, during summer period, but it depends upon when Carnival falls that particular year. As Carnival is a widely celebrated national holiday and festival can fall on any Wednesday during the month of February. If it falls at the beginning of the month, the school term will start immediately following it. If it falls at the end of the month, school will usually start at the beginning of February and have a short break for Carnival festivities. 

curiosity #2: Sunrise and sunset is a bit different here as I got used to it in Europe. Sunset is around 6pm (+- 30min) in winter period while sundown starts around 8pm during summer, hence the number of sunshine hours are slightly shorter at that time. 
Winter time is similar though and now it is a bit unfortunate that since Eclezio finishes at 6pm he arrives home in dark every day. The only positive thing is that the air is warm and balmy so even in autumn and winter the one has a constant summer feeling making it easy to cope with shorter days.

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